Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Mexico plans action after El Paso shooting


Mexican officials on Sunday angrily denounced the mass shooting in El Paso and announced a serious of unusual actions to protect Mexicans in the U. S. — including possibly charging the perpetrato­r in Mexican courts.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said at least six Mexicans were among the 22 killed in the attack Saturday in the border city, and at least seven others were wounded.

Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said the country would take action under internatio­nal law.

“Mexico declares its profound rejection and complete condemnati­on of this barbaric act, in which innocent Mexican men and women lost their lives,” Mr. Ebrard said in a recorded message on Twitter.

The remarks represente­d a toughening of Mexico’s official reaction to the shootings. On Saturday, Mr. Lopez Obrador appeared to play down any U. S. government responsibi­lity for the violence, saying the attack was “a product of [ societal] discomposi­tion, of problems certain people have. It’s not a generalize­d issue.”

But there were increasing indication­s that the shooting was aimed at Mexicans: Investigat­ors are studying a manifesto that they believe the suspect posted online before the attack; it includes screeds against immigrants.

Mexican officials didn’t single out President Donald Trump, who has often lashed out at Mexicans and other immigrants. They made clear, though, that they were alarmed by the rise of antiimmigr­ant hate speech in their northern neighbor.

“The intentiona­lity of the attack against the Mexicans and the Latino community in El Paso is frightenin­g,” Mexico’s ambassador to Washington, Martha Barcena, wrote on Twitter. “NO to hate speech. NO to xenophobic discourse.”

Child cast off 10th level

A teenager was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a 6- year- old boy was thrown from Tate Modern museum in London on Sunday, the Metropolit­an Police said.

The child was tossed from the 10th- floor viewing platform and landed on the fifthfloor roof, the police said in a statement. The victim was treated at the site and then airlifted to the hospital in critical condition.

The police said a 17- yearold male suspect was arrested on the same viewing platform.

U. N. calls for sanctions

A United Nations factfindin­g mission called Monday for an embargo on arms sales to Myanmar and for targeted sanctions on businesses with connection­s to the military after finding they are funding human rights abuses.

The mission released a report detailing how businesses run by Myanmar’s army, also known as the Tatmadaw, are engaged in such violations and provide financial support for military operations such as efforts to force Muslim Rohingya out of Rakhine state.

The report focused mainly on the activities of two military- dominated conglomera­tes — Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd. and Myanmar Economic Corp. It said nearly 60 foreign companies have dealings with at least 120 businesses controlled by the two companies in industries ranging from jade and ruby mining to tourism and pharmaceut­icals.

“The revenue that these military businesses generate strengthen­s the Tatmadaw’s autonomy from elected civilian oversight and provides financial support for the Tatmadaw’s operations with their wide array of internatio­nal human rights and humanitari­an law abuses,” Marzuki Darusman, the Indonesian human rights lawyer who chairs the fact- finding mission, said in a statement.

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