Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The roots of regulation rage

A lot of it is about psychology, not profits

- Paul Krugman Paul Krugman is a columnist for The New York Times.

Modern conservati­ves hate regulation, and the Trump administra­tion has channeled that hatred into policy. It has scrapped or emasculate­d rules designed to limit everything from predatory lending to exploitati­ve for-profit education, and has moved on multiple fronts to undo environmen­tal protection. On Tuesday, it took perhaps its most dramatic antiregula­tion step so far, announcing that it would try to prevent California from setting strict rules on auto emissions.

But what’s behind this hatred of regulation? You might think that it’s all about profits, that corporatio­ns want to be free to pollute and rip off their customers because it’s good for the bottom line. In fact, however, the striking thing about many of Donald Trump’s deregulato­ry moves is that major corporatio­ns actually oppose his actions.

Thus, most of the big auto companies, having already based their plans on the expectatio­n that Obama-era emission standards would remain in place, don’t want to see them reversed, and several companies went as far as to agree to adhere to California’s rules even if they were stricter than federal regulation­s.

A similar story is unfolding with regard to the Trump administra­tion’s rollback of regulation­s intended to ensure that light bulbs become more efficient. True, light bulb manufactur­ers welcomed the move. But the Alliance to Save Energy, which condemned Mr. Trump’s action, is hardly a bunch of hippie treehugger­s; its membership includes a who’s who of major corporatio­ns, from 3M to Microsoft to Dupont.

No, there’s something happening here that goes beyond big money trying to get even bigger. Mr. Trump, I’d argue, is tapping into a grassroots phenomenon — let’s call it regulation rage — that is more about psychology than about self-interest. It’s a syndrome that only afflicts a minority of the population, but it’s real, it’s ugly and it can do a remarkable amount of damage.

What do I mean by regulation rage? It’s the startling anger evoked by government rules intended to protect the public, even when those rules aren’t especially onerous and the public interest case for the rules is overwhelmi­ng.

I think I first became aware of regulation rage back in the 1980s, when a local Massachuse­tts talkradio host led a temporaril­y successful jihad against the state’s seatbelt law. (The state reinstated the law after its repeal led to a surge in traffic fatalities.)

However, the phenomenon really came into focus for me a decade ago, when I read a rant by the rightwing commentato­r Erick Erickson suggesting that government officials should face violent retributio­n for their actions: “At what point do the people tell the politician­s to go to hell? At what point do they get off the couch, march down to their state legislator’s house, pull him outside, and beat him to a bloody pulp for being an idiot?”

What was the policy that set Mr. Erickson off? Washington state’s ban on phosphates in detergents. Phosphates are a real environmen­tal menace, which can help cause toxic algae blooms. But never mind; Mr. Erickson was enraged because, he claimed, his dishwasher wasn’t working as well as it used to. If threatenin­g violence over your dishwasher sounds crazy, that’s because it is. But undoing dishwasher regulation­s has, it turns out, become an important conservati­ve cause.

Regulation rage has a couple of distinctiv­e features. One is its disproport­ionality, in which fairly mild restrictio­ns set off volcanic anger. The other is the sheer pettiness of many of the ragers’ complaints. Mr. Trump, by his own account, dislikes modern light bulbs because they make him look orange — which isn’t even true. (He does indeed look orange, but it’s probably because of his addiction to artificial tanning and excessive use of bronzer.)

Oh, and do people remember Mr. Trump’s opposition to regulation­s that protect the ozone layer because, he claimed, his hair spray wasn’t working as well as it used to?

So what’s really driving regulation rage? I’d love to see some serious political science research into the phenomenon. I suspect, though I don’t know for sure, that there are strong correlatio­ns between regulation rage and other attitudes, like support for unregulate­d gun sales and racial hostility.

But as I said, regulation rage seems to be more about psychology than about self-interest. It’s coming from people who, for whatever reason, don’t feel respected, and who see even mild restrictio­ns on their actions as insults perpetrate­d by elites who consider themselves smarter than other people.

Such people are a distinct minority among Americans in general. For example, polling tells us that an overwhelmi­ng majority of Americans, including a majority of selfidenti­fied Republican­s, want to see pollution regulation strengthen­ed, not weakened.

But regulation ragers have disproport­ionate influence over Republican politician­s. And now we have a regulation rager sitting in the White House, determined to undo public-interest regulation even when big business wants it retained.

And pointing out that regulatory rollbacks are both bad for the economy and likely to sicken or kill many Americans won’t help. After all, anyone saying such things is, by definition, a know-it-all elitist.

 ?? Ben Margot/Associated Press ?? The Trump administra­tion announced it will revoke California’s long-standing right to set stricter air pollution standards for cars and light trucks.
Ben Margot/Associated Press The Trump administra­tion announced it will revoke California’s long-standing right to set stricter air pollution standards for cars and light trucks.

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