Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Trump shifts tune on Turkey and Syria


WASHINGTON — In a span of 24 hours, President Donald Trump moved from threatenin­g to obliterate Turkey’s economy if it invades Syria to inviting its president to visit the White House.

But Mr. Trump did not back away Tuesday from a plan to withdraw American troops from Syria as he tried to persuade Turkey not to invade the country and attack the U.S.-allied Kurds — a needle-threading strategy that has angered Republican and Democratic lawmakers and confused U.S. allies.

“This is really dangerous,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said.

Mr. Trump tweeted that while U.S. forces “may be” leaving Syria, the U.S. has not abandoned the Kurds, who stand to be destroyed if Turkey follows through with its planned invasion. The Kurds lead a group of Syria fighters who have been steadfast and effective American allies in combating the Islamic State terrorist group in Syria. Turkey, however, sees the Kurds as terrorists and a border threat.

Joseph Votel, a retired Army general who headed Central Command’s military operations in Syria until last spring, wrote on The Atlantic website Tuesday that mutual trust was a key ingredient in the U.S. partnershi­p with the Kurds.

“The sudden policy change this week breaks that trust at the most crucial juncture and leaves our partners with very limited options,” Mr. Votel wrote.

Jonathan Schanzer, a Syria scholar at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracie­s, said even a limited Turkish incursion into northern Syria could quickly escalate.

“The president is doubling down on this — seems to be reversing course,” Mr. Schanzer said. “He’s trying to convey to the American people that he’s made the right decision. Of course, [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan is going to see this as a green light.”

The confusion began Sunday when the White House issued a late-night statement saying U.S. forces in northeaste­rn Syria would step aside for what it called an imminent Turkish invasion. The statement made no mention of U.S. efforts to forestall the invasion, leading many to conclude that Mr. Trump was, in effect, turning a blind eye to a slaughter of Kurds.

On Monday, amid criticism from some of his staunchest Republican supporters, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Mr. Trump suggested he was washing his hands of the Syria conflict, saying in a tweet that “it is time now for others in the region ... to protect their own territory.” But he also threatened to “totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey” if its military action in Syria went too far.

Administra­tion officials argue that Mr. Trump is employing strategy in response to Mr. Erdogan’s insistence during a phone call Sunday with Mr. Trump that he was moving ahead with a military incursion into Syria. Mr. Erdogan seemed to have rejected a joint U.S.Turkish plan, already being carried out, to create a buffer zone on the Syrian side of the border to address Turkey’s security concerns. The execution of that plan included dismantlin­g some Kurdish defensive positions on the Syrian side of the border.

Without initially saying his administra­tion was still trying to talk Mr. Erdogan out of invading, Mr. Trump ordered the 50 to 100 U.S. troops inside that zone to pull back for safety’s sake. He then emphasized his desire to withdraw from Syria entirely, although no such broader pullout has begun.

U.S. military leaders have recommende­d keeping U.S. troops in Syria to ensure a long-term defeat of IS. Pentagon officials said Tuesday that Defense Secretary Mark Esper and the new Joint Chiefs chairman, Gen. Mark Milley, participat­ed in Mr. Trump’s phone call with Mr. Erdogan on Sunday, contrary to some reports that Pentagon leaders had been blindsided by the decision to pull troops back. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters.

According to U.S. officials, Turkish troops on Tuesday were massed along the border in apparent preparatio­n for an incursion across the border. But they said that so far there have been no signs of an assault.

 ?? Lefteris Pitarakis/Associated Press ?? Turkish army officers guide a comrade uploading a tank onto a truck as it reposition­s Tuesday on the Turkish side of the border between Turkey and Syria.
Lefteris Pitarakis/Associated Press Turkish army officers guide a comrade uploading a tank onto a truck as it reposition­s Tuesday on the Turkish side of the border between Turkey and Syria.

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