Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

• Cosmic query work earns Nobel,


WASHINGTON — They are two of the most fundamenta­l questions not just of science, but of humanity: How did we get here? And are we alone?

A Canadian-American cosmologis­t and two Swiss scientists split this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics on Tuesday for not quite answering those universal questions, but getting closer to the cosmic truths.

Canadian-born James Peebles, 84, an emeritus professor at Princeton University, won for his theoretica­l discoverie­s in cosmology, about what happened soon after the Big Bang that eventually led to the formation of galaxies and the universe as we know it.

Swiss star-gazers Michel Mayor, 77, and Didier Queloz, 53, both of the University of Geneva, were honored for finding an exoplanet — a planet outside our solar system — that orbits a sun-like star.

A day of deep astrophysi­cs and talk of extraterre­strial life also included pop humor, with the Nobel Prize committee quoting from the theme song of the American TV sitcom, “The Big Bang Theory,” whose protagonis­ts, Sheldon and Amy, won a physics Nobel in the series finale, and a giggling Mr. Peebles referring to singer Bob Dylan.

“This year’s Nobel laureates in physics have painted a picture of the universe far stranger and more wonderful than we ever could have imagined,” said Ulf Danielsson of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, in announcing the laureates. “Our view of our place in the universe will never be the same again.”

Mr. Peebles’ work is a deeply theoretica­l look back in time and space at how the universe came to its current form, mostly filled with dark matter and dark energy we can’t even see. It’s probably the first Nobel for purely theoretica­l cosmology, instead of something observed, noted CalTech physicist Sean Carroll.

Mr. Peebles, hailed as one of the most influentia­l cosmologis­ts of his time, who realized the importance of the cosmic radiation background born of the Big Bang, will collect one half of the $918,000 cash award.

“Much of it will go to charity,” Mr. Peebles told colleagues at a Princeton news conference. Then after a pause, he changed that to “Some of it will go to charity. Some of it will go to our children.”

Mr. Mayor, who is an astrophysi­cist, and Mr. Queloz, an astronomer who is also at the University of Cambridge in Britain, will share the other half. Their finding of the first planet outside our solar system circling a star like our own made astronomer­s look harder for life elsewhere in the universe.

“Maybe we can discover some form of life. We don’t know what kind of form,” Mr. Mayor said Tuesday as he arrived in Madrid for a scientific speaking engagement. He said scientists “are absolutely certain that a lot of these planets have good conditions for life.”

Mr. Mayor and Mr. Queloz started a revolution in astronomy when they discovered 51 Pegasi B, a gaseous ball comparable with Jupiter, in 1995 — a time when, as Mr. Mayor recalled, “no one knew whether exoplanets existed or not.”

That was “the first step in our search for, ‘Are we alone?’” said astronomer Lisa Kaltenegge­r, director of the Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell University.

More than 4,000 exoplanets have since been found in the Milky Way, and scientists think one out of every four or five stars have planets.

“We have 200 billion stars out there in our galaxy alone, so I like our chances,” Ms. Kaltenegge­r said.

Mr. Queloz was meeting Tuesday with other academics interested in finding new planets when the press office at Cambridge University interrupte­d to tell him the big news: He had won the Nobel. He thought it was joke at first.

“I could barely breathe,” Mr. Queloz told The Associated Press. “It’s enormous. It’s beyond usual emotions. My hand was shaking for a long time. I’m trying to digest it.”

Geoff Marcy, who headed one of the teams that rivaled Mr. Mayor and Mr. Queloz, praised their work. In the 1990s “we were all trying to carry a search for planets without ever thinking we would succeed,” Mr. Marcy said. “None of us imagined even finding one, never mind the thousands we found.”

Mr. Marcy, who left the University of California Berkeley after accusation­s of sexual harassment, said he didn’t know if he would have shared in the prize if it weren’t for the scandal.

Swedish academy member Mats Larsson said this year’s was “one of the easiest physics prizes for a long time to explain.”

That can’t quite be said for Mr. Peebles’ theoretica­l work.

“Jim Peebles absolutely was one of the leaders in trying to understand how did we get here, the nature of cosmology, the nature of the universe at large,” said astronomer Dimitar Sasselov, director of Harvard University’s Origins of Life Initiative.

 ??  ?? James Peebles laughs as he is introduced as a Nobel laureate in Physics on Tuesday at Princeton University.
James Peebles laughs as he is introduced as a Nobel laureate in Physics on Tuesday at Princeton University.

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