Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Trump touts a shaky cease-fire

Turkish leader says Kurds must back out


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump punched back Friday at criticism that his Syria withdrawal is damaging U.S. credibilit­y, betraying Kurdish allies and opening the door for a possible resurgence of the Islamic State. He touted a cease-fire agreement that seemed at risk as Turkey and Kurdish fighters differed over what it required and whether combat had halted.

“We’ve had tremendous success I think over the last couple of days,” Mr. Trump declared, adding that “we’ve taken control of the oil in the Middle East” — a claim that seemed disconnect­ed from any known developmen­t there.

He made that assertion twice Friday, but other U.S. officials were unable to explain what he meant.

Calling his Syria approach “a little bit unconventi­onal,” the president contended that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as well as the Syrian Kurdish fighters the Turks are battling, agree that the U.S.-brokered cease-fire was the right step and were complying with it.

“There is good will on both sides & a really good chance for success,” Mr. Trump tweeted.

That optimism seemed at odds with Mr. Erdogan’s own words. He told reporters in Istanbul that Turkish forces would resume their offensive in four days unless Kurdish-led fighters withdraw “without exception” from a socalled safe zone 20 miles deep in Syria running the entire 260-mile length of the border with Turkey.

There was no sign of any pullout by the Kurdish-led forces, who accused Turkey of violating the cease-fire with continued fighting at a key border town.

They also said the accord covers a much smaller section of the border. And some fighters have vowed not to withdraw at all, dismissing the deal as a betrayal by the U.S., whose soldiers they have fought alongside against IS.

Eric Edelman, a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey who served as the Pentagon’s top policy official during the George W. Bush administra­tion, said he doubts Turkey and its Syrian proxies could control the entire border area from the Euphrates to Iraq without help from Russia or others.

“That’s a very big expanse of territory to hold, albeit a lot of it is uninhabite­d,” Mr. Edelman said. “That probably means they’ve cut already some deal with the Russians and the Iranians.”

Even so, Mr. Trump insisted peace was at hand.

“There is a cease-fire or a pause or whatever you want to call it,” he said.

Mr. Trump also asserted that some European nations are now willing to take responsibi­lity for detained IS fighters who are from their countries.

“Anyway, big progress being made !!!! ” he tweeted.

Mr. Trump said nothing further about the European nations he now contends have agreed to take some of the IS fighters, a demand he has repeated often. No European government announced an intent to take control of IS prisoners.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo repeated a similar claim, but he, too, identified no such countries.

At the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said U.S. troops are continuing their withdrawal from northern Syria. He also said no U.S. ground troops will participat­e in enforcing or monitoring the cease-fire.

One important unknown in the wake of Turkey’s incursion, which began Oct. 9, is whether IS fighters who have been held by U.S.-allied Kurdish fighters known as the Syrian Democratic Forces will escape in large numbers. Even before the Turkish offensive, some U.S. officials had noted signs that IS was seeking to regroup.

Officials have said some IS fighters, likely just over 100, have escaped custody since Turkey launched its invasion last week.

There are 11 prisons with IS detainees in the socalled safe zone between Tal Abyad and Ras al-Ayn.

Accounting for the broader border area that the Turks contend is the safe zone — that number grows to 16 prisons.

It’s unclear exactly how many of those are currently under Turkish control — but as they push the Kurds out, the Turks are supposed to take control of the prisons.

Mr. Trump has been widely criticized for turning his back on the Kurds, who have taken heavy casualties as U.S. allies since 2016. Even some Republican­s are taking aim — including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who criticized the move in a Friday op-ed in the Washington Post.

Mr. Erdogan said Friday he and Mr. Trump share “love and respect,” but he also left little doubt that he was offended by an Oct. 9 letter from Mr. Trump telling him, “Don’t be a fool!”

Mr. Erdogan said Mr. Trump’s words were not compatible with “political and diplomatic courtesy” and would not be forgotten.

While U.S. officials have insisted that Mr. Trump did not authorize Turkey’s invasion, the cease-fire codifies nearly all of Turkey’s stated goals in the conflict.

During a Texas campaign rally Thursday night, Mr. Trump said, “Sometimes you have to let them fight, like two kids in a lot, you got to let them fight and then you pull them apart.”

 ?? AFP via Getty Images ?? A Syrian government soldier holds up a portrait of President Bashar Assad on Friday as he waves a Syrian flag. A companion ties a Kurdish People’s Protection Units flag atop an electrical pole by the Turkish border in the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobane.
AFP via Getty Images A Syrian government soldier holds up a portrait of President Bashar Assad on Friday as he waves a Syrian flag. A companion ties a Kurdish People’s Protection Units flag atop an electrical pole by the Turkish border in the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobane.

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