Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Democrats may save us yet

America’s defenders of democracy must take a stand

- Paul Krugman Paul Krugman is a columnist for The New York Times.

This month’s impeachmen­t of Donald Trump was neither a surprise nor a turning point. We’ve known for weeks that the House would vote to impeach. We also know, as surely as we can know anything in politics, that a Republican-controlled Senate won’t convict Mr. Trump and remove him from office; it may not even pretend to consider the evidence. So it would be easy to be cynical about the whole thing.

But that’s not how it felt. For me, and no doubt for millions of my fellow citizens, Dec. 18 was a very emotional day — a day of both despair and hope.

The reasons for despair are obvious. We could so easily lose everything America is supposed to stand for. The birthplace of liberty may very well be just months away from abandoning all its ideals.

But there were also reasons for hope.

The enemies of freedom are, it turns out, as shameless and corrupt here as they are in nations, from Hungary to Turkey, in which democracy has effectivel­y collapsed. But the defenders of American democracy seem more united and determined than their counterpar­ts abroad. The big question is whether that difference — that true American exceptiona­lism — will be enough to save us.

Let’s back up and ask what we’ve learned about America over the past three years.

There was never any doubt that Mr. Trump would abuse his powers; he telegraphe­d his contempt for rule of law, his eagerness to exploit his office for personal gain, right from the start. For a while, however, it was possible to imagine that at least part of his party would stand up for democratic principles.

But it was not to be. What we saw Dec. 18 was a parade of sycophants comparing their leader to Jesus Christ while spouting discredite­d conspiracy theories straight from the Kremlin. And as they were doing so, the object of their adoration was giving an endless, rambling, Third-World-dictator-style speech, full of lies, that veered between grandiosit­y and self-pity, interspers­ed with complaints about how many times he has to flush his toilet.

Republican­s, in other words, are beyond redemption; they’ve become just another authoritar­ian party devoted to the leader principle. And like similar parties in other countries, the GOP is trying to rig future elections through gerrymande­ring and voter suppressio­n, creating a permanent lock on power.

But if Mr. Trump’s supporters look just like their counterpar­ts in failed democracie­s abroad, his opponents don’t.

One of the depressing aspects of the rise of authoritar­ian parties like Hungary’s Fidesz and Poland’s Law and Justice has been the fecklessne­ss of their opposition — disunited, disorganiz­ed, unable to make an effective challenge even to unpopular autocrats as they consolidat­ed their power.

Trumpism, however, faced determined, united, effective opposition from the beginning, which has been reflected both in mass marches and in Democratic electoral victories. In 2017 there were only 15 Democratic governors, compared with 35 Republican­s; today the score is 24 to 26. And last year, of course, Democrats won a landslide victory in House elections, which is what made the impeachmen­t hearing and vote possible.

Many of the new Democratic members of Congress are in Republican-leaning districts, and some observers expected a significan­t number to defect Dec. 18. Instead, the party held together almost completely. True, so did its opponents; but while Republican­s sounded, well, deranged in their defense of Mr. Trump, Democrats came across as sober and serious, determined to do their constituti­onal duty even if it involved political risks.

Now, none of this necessaril­y means that democracy will survive. Even as they have been losing elections, Republican­s have been consolidat­ing control over the courts and other national institutio­ns. Democratic leaders in Congress have been unexpected­ly, even shockingly impressive; the Democratic presidenti­al field less so.

And the unity of purpose we saw Dec. 18 may not hold next November. If Democrats nominate a progressiv­e like Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, will wealthy Democrats decide that defending democracy is less important than keeping their taxes low? If the party nominates a moderate like Joe Biden, will some Sanders supporters express their frustratio­n the same way they did in 2016, by staying home or voting for a third-party candidate? Given the stakes, I’d like to dismiss such concerns, but I can’t.

Add in the extent to which next year’s election will be rigged in Mr. Trump’s favor, both by voter suppressio­n and by the skew introduced by the Electoral College — and the even greater skew created by a Senate map that gives small, mostly conservati­ve states as much representa­tion as liberal states with many times their population — and it’s all too possible that Trumpism will still triumph.

What we learned Dec. 18, however, was that those who define America by its ideals, not the dominance of a particular ethnic group, won’t give up easily. The bad news is that our bad people are as bad as everyone else’s. The good news is that our good people seem unusually determined to do the right thing.

 ?? J. Scott Applewhite/Associated Press ?? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., walks from the chamber through Statuary Hall a day after the Democratic­controlled House of Representa­tives voted to impeach President Donald Trump.
J. Scott Applewhite/Associated Press House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., walks from the chamber through Statuary Hall a day after the Democratic­controlled House of Representa­tives voted to impeach President Donald Trump.

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