Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

New Year’s wishes

Small steps can bring about change


Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, in her annual Christmas broadcast, offered a message of hope and reconcilia­tion after a particular­ly divisive year in the United Kingdom.

It’s a message that should resonate on this side of the Atlantic as well. Hope and reconcilia­tion seemed in short supply throughout the nation in 2019.

Reflecting on the 75th anniversar­y of the historic D-Day invasion during World War II, the queen noted that representa­tives from countries on both sides of the conflict came together “in a true spirit of reconcilia­tion” to honor those who died on the beaches of Normandy.

“Such reconcilia­tion seldom happens overnight,” said the 93-year-old monarch. “It takes patience and time to rebuild trust, and progress often comes through small steps.” Small steps, indeed.

The start of a new year typically includes resolution­s and hopes for better days. Perhaps a few “small steps” would go a long way toward bringing some much-needed national healing.

It’s probably too much to expect all New Year’s wishes to come true, but small steps toward the following would give real reason for hope in 2020.

Our New Year’s wishes include:

• Reconcilia­tion throughout a broken political system — at all levels — that allows respect for other points of view rather than trying to demonize opponents. It is only by listening to opposing views that there can be any chance for understand­ing and compromise.

• A return to civility, both in politics and everyday dealings.

• A renewed sense of decency in how we treat others.

• Restoratio­n of good manners to show both self-respect and respect for others.

• A hope for finding a better way to welcome immigrants who wish to enter the country legally. They will be needed to strengthen the workforce and many will offer expertise in multiple fields.

• Continuati­on of a strong economy, but one that also brings relief to parts of the country that continue to suffer from economic distress.

• Finally, a hope that 2020 doesn’t turn into a maelstrom of discord that only serves to further divide the country.

Queen Elizabeth concluded her annual message with words that, hopefully, will ring true for years to come.

“As we all look forward to the start of a new decade, it’s worth rememberin­g that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.”

Here’s to a new year, a new decade and a wish for small steps that bring change — and hope.

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