Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


- Jacqueline Bigar, Jan. 5, 2020

The following astrologic­al forecasts should be read for entertainm­ent value only. These prediction­s have no reliable basis in scientific fact.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: How you deal with others will reflect your true essence. You might be unusually open this year as you are about to cross into a new 12year life and love cycle. If single, some people might respond to your generosity but not to you. Use your sixth sense here. On the other hand, many of you will meet your life mate. If attached, the two of you move in a new direction you have often spoken of. This year will prove to be unusually significan­t to your bond. You will speak of this period often. Taurus helps ground you but adds to your creativity.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Curb a need to be possessive or in control. You can control only yourself and no one else. Once you recognize this truth, you will be on cruise control, tossing manipulati­on in the garbage. Tonight: Make it your treat.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): See and understand the possibilit­ies that have opened up. Many people might not be able to look at a situation as positive if they are stuck in the status quo, which you seem to be able to let go of. Tonight: Reach out for a friend at a distance.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): One-on-one relating takes you down a new path without realizing it. You might enjoy the excitement of the moment and not see the implicatio­ns, but others will. Be more direct with a close loved one. Tonight: Be a duo.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): See what is happening with a loved one. This person might be acting self-centered, but he or she could be overwhelme­d by recent events. Your presence makes all the difference. Tonight: Be willing to play a fantasy game of “what if?”

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Do not make a big deal out of what is going on right now. You might want to try another approach to calm down a friend or family member. What is happening simply does not work. Tonight: Make it easy.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Your creativity emerges, allowing you to make some interestin­g decisions. A child or loved one goes out of his or her way to make you more easygoing and content, and you do the same for this person. Tonight: Make it easy.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): One-on-one relating turns a situation around. You need to be sure that you want what you are creating. You might find it difficult to move away from something. Recognize a family member for his or her efforts. Tonight: Make it easy.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your ability to relate deeply to another person emerges. You seem to ask the right questions. You also know how to answer and when. A sense of well-being forms between you and another. Tonight: Say “yes” to a question.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Keep reaching out for a loved one at a distance. You could be questionin­g what is happening with your finances. What looks promising very well could be. You still need to be careful with investment­s. Tonight: Pay bills first.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19): You could be too tired to continue on your present path. Ask for more support in how you handle an unusual opportunit­y. Ask a loved one for some help in order to cover all bases. Tonight: Work on possibilit­ies.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20Feb. 18): Reach out for someone you really care about and have a long-overdue discussion. You cannot help but be aware that a lot of undercurre­nts surround you. What appears hush-hush is a special opportunit­y. Tonight: Confide in a loved one.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Speak your mind. Know what it is you want. Clearly, you do not have all the needed answers. Be sure you are heading in your chosen direction. Friends surround you and want to celebrate — any excuse works for you. Tonight: As you like it.

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