Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Gun-rights activists gear up for show of force in Virginia


RICHMOND, Va. — Police are scouring the internet for clues about plans for mayhem, workers are putting up chain link holding pens around Virginia’s picturesqu­e Capitol Square, and one lawmaker even plans to hide in a safe house in advance of what’s expected to be an unpreceden­ted show of force by gunrights activists.

What is provoking their anger in this once reliably conservati­ve state is the new Democratic majority leadership and its plans to enact a slew of gun restrictio­ns. This clash of old and new has made Virginia — determined to prevent a replay of the Charlottes­ville violence in 2017 — ground zero in the nation’s raging debate over gun control.

The Virginia Citizens Defense League’s yearly rally at the Capitol typically draws just a few hundred gun enthusiast­s. This year, however, thousands of gun activists are expected to turn out. Second Amendment groups have identified the state as a rallying point for the fight against what they see as a national erosion of gun rights.

“We’re not going to be quiet anymore. We’re going to fight them in the courts and on the ground. The illegal laws they’re proposing are just straight up unconstitu­tional,” said Timothy Forster, of Chesterfie­ld, Va., an NRA member who had one handgun strapped to his shoulder and another tucked into his waistband as he stood outside a legislativ­e office building earlier this week.

VCDL president Philip Van Cleave said he has heard from groups around the country that plan to send members to Virginia — including the Nevada-based, far-right Oath Keepers, which has promised to organize and train armed posses and militia.

Extremist groups have blanketed social media and online forums with ominous messages and hinted at potential violence. The FBI said it arrested three men linked to a violent white supremacis­t group Thursday who were planning to attend the rally in Richmond.

Democrats have banned guns inside the Capitol, and Gov. Ralph Northam declared a temporary state of emergency Wednesday that bans all weapons, including guns, from Capitol Square, during the rally to prevent “armed militia groups storming our Capitol.” Gun-rights groups asked the Virginia Supreme Court to rule Mr. Northam’s declaratio­n unconstitu­tional, but the court on Friday upheld the ban.

Mr. Northam said there were credible threats of violence, such as weaponized drones being deployed over Capitol Square. On Friday, the FAA issued a temporary flight restrictio­n, including for drones, over Capitol airspace during the rally.

The governor said some of the rhetoric used by groups planning to attend Monday’s rally is reminiscen­t of that used ahead of the white nationalis­t rally in Charlottes­ville in August 2017. One woman was killed and more than 30 others were hurt when a white supremacis­t drove his car into a crowd of counterpro­testers there.

The Virginia State Police, the Virginia Capitol Police and the Richmond police are all coordinati­ng the event and have plans for a huge police presence at Monday’s rally that will include both uniformed and plaincloth­es officers. Police plan to limit access to Capitol Square to only one entrance and have warned rallygoers that they may have to wait hours to get past security screening.

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