Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

12 steps to tackle COVID-19

Health officials need to act immediatel­y, while there is time

- Nicholas Kristof Nicholas Kristof is a columnist for The New York Times.

At least Emperor Nero supposedly only fiddled while Rome burned; he didn’t tell the Romans that the fire was no big deal.

President Donald Trump squandered two precious months trying to downplay the new coronaviru­s while attempting to talk up the stock market. We still have no idea how many Americans are infected, because the administra­tion bungled diagnostic­s. As of a few days ago, South Korea had conducted up to 700 times more tests per capita than the United States.

Mr. Trump’s passivity will cost lives, but we can still make preparatio­ns before hospitals risk becoming overwhelme­d by a pandemic that is both more contagious than the seasonal flu and apparently many times more lethal. Dr. Tom Frieden, a former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, warns that in a plausible worst-case scenario, this virus could kill more than 1 million Americans.

After speaking to epidemiolo­gists and public health specialist­s, I have a list of a dozen practical steps that the president and other officials should take immediatel­y, while there is time.

1. Invest in a huge rollout of free testing so that we know who is sick. The University of Washington set up a drive-through system so that certain people can be tested without contaminat­ing a clinic; South Korea did the same. We urgently need “rapid tests” — offering results in minutes — and before long we will also desperatel­y need tests to determine who has had the virus and now has immunity.

2. Cancel large gatherings in parts of the country where community transmissi­on is occurring, as Gov. Jay Inslee has done in Washington state. Employers should encourage people to work from home where possible. Even with social distancing, more than one-third of Americans may eventually be infected (a worst case is that 70% become infected, as Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany has cautioned for her country).

But lives will be saved by flattening the curve so that infections grow more slowly. We are much better off if 100 million Americans contract the coronaviru­s over 18 months rather than over 18 weeks, and this also gives scientists the chance to test treatments and develop vaccines, and to see if warmer weather helps. South Korea’s experience suggests that aggressive measures, well short of China’s, do help.

3. Expand telemedici­ne so that patients can get medical advice while staying home. The aim is for people to not go to a doctor’s office or ER unless necessary.

4. Plan for hospitals to be overwhelme­d, as happened in Wuhan, China, and in Iran and northern Italy. Epidemiolo­gical models suggest that by late April we could have millions of Americans infected, and the danger is that people with other ailments die for want of care in the chaos. Several epidemiolo­gists suggest that we could easily see 100 million infections of the new coronaviru­s in the United States, of which 5% or 10% might require hospitaliz­ation and 1% might need a ventilator. That could mean almost 1 million people needing ventilator­s just for COVID-19, although not all at the same time. Yet we have only about 72,000 full ventilator­s in the United States.

5. Cancel vacations of health workers, bring back retired doctors and nurses, and repurpose cardiologi­sts and pediatrici­ans to deal with a torrent of coronaviru­s patients — in expectatio­n of record numbers of doctors out sick. We should prepare to allow military medics to assist in ERs as well.

6. Make nursing homes, assisted-living centers, homeless shelters, prisons and dialysis treatment centers safer, by encouragin­g use of personal protective equipment and limiting visitors.

7. Make plans in case first responders, such as firefighte­rs and ambulance paramedics, become sick in large numbers. That may mean calling in the National Guard.

8. Ensure that as many people as possible have access to medical care. That means expanding Medicaid in remaining states and establishi­ng a mechanism so that no one needs to pay (including a copay or deductible) for testing for or treatment of COVID-19.

9. Congress should promptly pass legislatio­n (shamefully stalled for the last 16 years) mandating paid sick leave for all workers.

10. Greatly step up production of personal protective equipment needed in hospitals. Some hospitals are already running short of N95 masks, and America’s emergency stockpile has only 12 million N95 masks — approximat­ely a one-day supply for the country during an epidemic.

11. Prepare for public school students to attend classes remotely in parts of the country most affected. Researcher­s found that during the 1918 Spanish flu, cities that canceled schools and public gatherings — and did so early — fared better than other cities. Unfortunat­ely, today at least 6 million American schoolchil­dren don’t have internet access at home; that may mean that schools hand out hotspots and laptops to students without computers. A nonprofit called FirstBook is trying to send out 6 million books to low-income schools so that kids can at least read while at home.

12. Instead of bailing out airlines or cruise lines, make people in quarantine eligible for unemployme­nt insurance and waive work requiremen­ts for benefit programs. Don’t let struggling families become homeless because they suddenly can’t make the rent or meet mortgage payments.

Enough with your fiddling, Mr. President. Let’s roll.

 ?? Ted S. Warren/Associated Press ?? Workers from a disaster recovery team line up Wednesday before entering the Life Care Center in Kirkland, Wash.
Ted S. Warren/Associated Press Workers from a disaster recovery team line up Wednesday before entering the Life Care Center in Kirkland, Wash.

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