Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Leadership failure


COVID-19 has taught us a number of truths about our nation’s government and its leaders. While I hope that this virus passes with as little destructio­n as possible, when the dust settles, no politician should be spared from the wrath of the American people.

President Donald Trump refuses to acknowledg­e that his administra­tion botched the nation’s preparatio­n for an outbreak in the weeks following the China travel ban. He spends press conference­s touting approval ratings and quibbling with reporters instead of competentl­y assuaging fears and providing stability.

The media equally deserves scorn. Before the crisis, the fourth estate spent years helplessly eroding its own credibilit­y. Chasing after the Trump administra­tion like a dog chases its tail, once-reputable news outlets cried wolf at the first sign of a poodle. It’s no wonder so many people aren’t taking this virus seriously, as they should.

Last, hand me a rake and I’ll light the coals for the congressme­n. A bipartisan economic relief package was secured until House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blew the whistle March 22 and delayed the deal. It’s only reasonable to assume that Democrats would rather see Americans suffer along with Mr. Trump’s reelection chances than to help the president steer the country out of this crisis.

In November, not a single politician — Republican or Democrat — deserves to keep their seats. When the dust settles, will America wake up?


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