Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Around the world, misinforma­tion on virus proving highly contagious


PROVIDENCE, R.I. — As the world races to find a vaccine and a treatment for COVID-19, there is seemingly no antidote in sight for the burgeoning outbreak of coronaviru­s conspiracy theories, hoaxes, anti-mask myths and sham cures.

The phenomenon, unfolding largely on social media, escalated this week when President Donald Trump retweeted a false video about an anti-malaria drug being a cure for the virus and it was revealed that Russian intelligen­ce is spreading disinforma­tion about the crisis through English-language websites.

Experts worry the torrent of bad informatio­n is dangerousl­y underminin­g efforts to slow the virus, whose death toll in the U.S. hit 150,000 Wednesday, by far the highest in the world, according to the tally kept by Johns Hopkins University. Over a halfmillio­n people have died in the rest of the world.

Hard-hit Florida reported 216 deaths, breaking the single-day record it set a day earlier. And South Carolina’s death toll passed 1,500 this week, more than doubling over the past month. In Georgia, hospitaliz­ations have more than doubled since July 1, with 3,188 people hospitaliz­ed Wednesday.

“It is a real challenge in terms of trying to get the message to the public about what they can really do to protect themselves and what the facts are behind the problem, said Michael Osterholm, head of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy.

He said the fear is that “people are putting themselves in harm’s way because they don’t believe the virus is something they have to deal with.”

Rather than fade away in the face of new evidence, the claims have flourished, fed by mixed messages from officials, transmitte­d by social media, amplified by leaders like Mr. Trump and mutating when confronted with contradict­ory facts.

“You don’t need masks.

There is a cure,” Dr. Stella Immanuel promised in a video that promoted hydroxychl­oroquine. “You don’t need people to be locked down.”

The truth: Federal regulators last month revoked their authorizat­ion of the drug as an emergency treatment amid growing evidence it doesn’t work and can have deadly side effects. Even if it were effective, it wouldn’t negate the need for masks and other measures to contain the outbreak.

None of that stopped Mr. Trump, who has repeatedly praised the drug, from retweeting the video. Twitter and Facebook began removing the video Monday for violating policies on COVID-19 misinforma­tion, but it had already been seen more than 20 million times.

Many of the claims in Dr. Immanuel’s video are widely disputed by medical experts. She has made even more bizarre pronouncem­ents in the past, saying that cysts, fibroids and some other conditions can be caused by having sex with demons, that McDonald’s and “Pokemon” promote witchcraft, that alien DNA is used in medical treatments, and that half-human “reptilians” work in the government.

Other baseless theories and hoaxes have alleged that the virus isn’t real or that it’s a bioweapon created by the U.S. or its adversarie­s. Then there are the political theories — that doctors, journalist­s and federal officials are conspiring to lie about the threat of the virus to hurt Mr. Trump politicall­y.

Social media has amplified the claims and helped believers find each other. The flood of misinforma­tion has posed a challenge for Facebook, Twitter and other platforms, which have found themselves accused of censorship for taking down virus misinforma­tion.

A profession­ally made 26minute video that alleges the government’s top infectious­disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, manufactur­ed the virus and shipped it to China was watched more than 8 million times before the platforms took action. The video, titled “Plandemic,” also warned that masks could make you sick.

Judy Mikovits, the discredite­d doctor behind “Plandemic,” had been set to appear on the show “America This Week” on the Sinclair Broadcast Group. But the company, which operates TV stations in 81 U.S. markets, canned the segment, saying it was “not appropriat­e” to air.

Of all the bizarre and myriad claims about the virus, those regarding masks are proving to be among the most stubborn.

New York City resident Carlos Lopez said he wears a mask when required to do so but doesn’t believe it is necessary.

“They’re politicizi­ng it as a tool,” he said. “I think it’s more to try to get Trump to lose. It’s more a scare tactic.”

He is in the minority. A recent AP/NORC poll said 3 in 4 Americans — Democrats and Republican­s alike — support a national mask mandate.

Still, mask skeptics are a vocal minority and have come together to create social media pages where many false claims about mask safety are shared. Facebook has removed some of the pages — such as the group Unmasking America!, which had nearly 10,000 members — but others remain.

Early in the pandemic, medical authoritie­s themselves were the source of much confusion regarding masks. In February, officials like the U.S. surgeon general urged Americans not to stockpile masks because they were needed by medical personnel and might not be effective in everyday situations.

Public health officials changed their tune when it became apparent that the virus could spread among people showing no symptoms.

Yet Mr. Trump remained reluctant to use a mask, mocked his rival Joe Biden for wearing one and suggested people might be covering their faces just to hurt him politicall­y. He did an abrupt about-face this month, claiming that he had always supported masks — then later retweeted Dr. Immanuel’s video against masks.

Many of the claims around masks allege harmful effects, such as blocked oxygen flow or even a greater chance of infection. The claims have been widely debunked by doctors.

Dr. Maitiu O Tuathail of Ireland grew so concerned about mask misinforma­tion he posted an online video of himself comfortabl­y wearing a mask while measuring his oxygen levels. The video has been viewed more than 20 million times.

“While face masks don’t lower your oxygen levels, COVID definitely does,” he warned.

Yet trusted medical authoritie­s are often being dismissed by those who say requiring people to wear masks is a step toward authoritar­ianism.

“Unless you make a stand, you will be wearing a mask for the rest of your life,” tweeted Simon Dolan, a British businessma­n who has sued the government over its COVID-19 restrictio­ns.

Mr. Trump’s reluctant, ambivalent and late embrace of masks hasn’t convinced some of his strongest supporters, who have concocted ever more elaborate theories to explain his change of heart. Some say he was actually speaking in code and doesn’t really support masks.

Dr. O Tuathail witnessed just how unshakable COVID-19 misinforma­tion can be when, after broadcasti­ng his video, he received emails from people who said he cheated or didn’t wear the mask long enough to feel the negative effects.

That’s not surprising, according to University of Central Florida psychology professor Chrysalis Wright, who studies misinforma­tion. She said conspiracy theory believers often engage in mental gymnastics to make their beliefs conform with reality.

“People only want to hear what they already think they know,” she said.

 ?? Alexandra Wimley/Post-Gazette ?? James Neal, of Wilkinsbur­g, stands behind a plastic barrier at BikePGH’s event to give free bicycle lights Wednesday in Homewood.
Alexandra Wimley/Post-Gazette James Neal, of Wilkinsbur­g, stands behind a plastic barrier at BikePGH’s event to give free bicycle lights Wednesday in Homewood.

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