Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Pelosi requires masks for House votes after Gohmert tests positive


WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will require that masks be worn on the House floor after a Republican member of Congress tested positive for the coronaviru­s. The member, Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert, often shunned wearing masks and was known to vote without one.

Ms. Pelosi announced on the House floor Wednesday evening that all members will be required to wear a mask and one will be provided if they forget. She said failure to wear a mask is a “serious breach of decorum” and members could be removed from the chamber if they aren’t wearing one. They will be able to temporaril­y remove them while speaking, however.

“It’s a sign of respect for the health, safety and wellbeing of others present in the chamber and in surroundin­g areas,” Ms. Pelosi said.

The 66-year-old Mr. Gohmert, one of the House’s most conservati­ve and outspoken members, told a Texas news station that he tested positive at the White House and planned to selfquaran­tine. He is at least the 10th member of Congress known to have tested positive for the coronaviru­s.

The congressma­n’s positive test raised further questions about the lack of mask and testing requiremen­ts in the Capitol as members frequently fly back and forth from their hometowns and gather for votes, hearings and news conference­s.

Several GOP senators said they were pushing for more regular testing in the Capitol.

“I think particular­ly for members of Congress who are going back and forth, they represent sort of the perfect petri dish for how you spread a disease,” said GOP Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri.

An eight-term lawmaker, Mr. Gohmert participat­ed in the House Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday where Attorney General William Barr testified. Before the hearing, Mr. Gohmert was seen approachin­g the meeting room a few feet behind Mr. Barr, and neither man was wearing a mask.

Mr. Gohmert also voted on the House floor Tuesday and attended a House Natural Resources Committee hearing.

The chairman of that committee, Democratic Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona, said: “I’m self-quarantini­ng until I take a test and then again until results are in. In the meantime, my work schedule and the lives of my employees are disrupted. This stems from a selfish act by Mr. Gohmert, who is just one member of Congress.”

When Mr. Gohmert flew to Washington from Texas on Sunday, he sat next to Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, who also went into quarantine after learning of her colleague’s test results.

 ?? Susan Walsh/Associated Press ?? Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, speaks Wednesday during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on oversight of the Justice Department and a probe into the politiciza­tion of the department under Attorney General William Barr in Washington.
Susan Walsh/Associated Press Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, speaks Wednesday during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on oversight of the Justice Department and a probe into the politiciza­tion of the department under Attorney General William Barr in Washington.

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