Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Wife wonders if husband’s decision to attend church will hurt marriage

- By Amy Dickinson You can email Amy Dickinson at askamy@amydickins­on.com or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.

Ask Amy

Dear Amy: Myhusband of two years has recently become interested in exploring Christiani­ty.

He went to church as a child but stopped going when he was a teen. He is now very concerned about what will happen after he dies. He says he wants to find “peace.”

Amy, I have no interest in going with him. I was baptized, but I never went to church as a child. I am not a believer, and to be honest, I don’t feel comfortabl­e participat­ing in organized religion.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with him going to church by himself or with another family member. (We have one who keeps inviting us to their church.)

Do I need to be a part of this? I feel like I will hate every minute of it and become resentful. But if I don’t go, will it ruin our marriage?

— Concerned Wife Dear Concerned: Your marriage should not be con- tingent on you forcing yourself to worship alongside your husband. I suggest you remain open to hearing about his experience — ask him how the service went and what the topic of the sermon was, and perhaps attend special holiday services if he seems eager to share them with you.

The churchgoin­g experience will bring your husband into a belief system, as well as a new social system. Any time anyone forms new relationsh­ips, it could place a strain on the marriage — but the alternativ­e (shadowing him out of fear that the marriage will be threatened) is a nonstarter.

If he dives in and starts attending Bible study and joins church-centered social groups, you will discover that church activities are very time consuming. This might negatively affect your relationsh­ip, but his faith practice could also lead him to a more loving, compassion­ate, and — yes, peaceful — place.

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