Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Why Trump’s losing

How COVID-19 magnifies the president’s flaws

- Rich Lowry and Ramesh Ponnuru Rich Lowry is the editor in chief of National Review and Ramesh Ponnuru is a senior editor for National Review and a columnist for Bloomberg Opinion. Copyright 2020 National Review. Used with permission.

An excerpt from The National Review

President Donald Trump pulled an inside straight to win in 2016, and now he needs another one. The good news for Mr. Trump is that his approval rating has stopped falling recently. The bad news is that it has stabilized in the low 40s. Election-watcher Harry Enten points out that no president since Harry Truman has won with anything like Trump’s negative net approval rating. Truman won at –6, while incumbents who lost (Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and George H. W. Bush) averaged out at about –13, roughly where Mr. Trump’s number is. The presidents who won reelection averaged an approval rating of +23.

Mr. Trump doesn’t lead in the polling on any major issues — even his lead on the economy has slipped away.

He is losing in Florida, a must-win state for Republican presidenti­al candidates for roughly 100 years. He is behind in North Carolina, which successful Republican­s have won for the last half century. Arizona and Georgia are battlegrou­nds, and maybe Texas, too. Joe Biden has been reliably ahead in all the Blue Wall states, in large part by eating into Mr. Trump’s lead with whites or reversing it.

So far the polling in the race looks more like Bob Dole against Bill Clinton in 1996, when Dole persistent­ly and substantia­lly trailed, than like Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton in 2016, when Mr. Trump was behind but by smaller margins than today (and briefly even ahead).

The standard restrictio­ns apply: There are around three months to go, statelevel polling was off in 2016, and Mr. Trump doesn’t have to make up much ground to be within plausible range of another Electoral College victory.

Still, his situation is dire by any measure. Underlying conditions have turned against him, yet even when the economy was thriving, Mr. Trump was in a notably perilous position for a president presiding over peace and prosperity. The fault is not in his stars but in his tweets, erratic behavior, scattersho­t belligeren­ce, and denials of reality, which had already made him radioactiv­e before what he sometimes calls the “Wuhan flu” ever emerged.

Mr. Trump is thinskinne­d, self-obsessed, small-minded, intellectu­ally lazy, and ill-discipline­d. These never seemed to be great qualities in a chief executive, but they have caught up with Mr. Trump over the last six months in particular. They have played into his poor handling of the coronaviru­s crisis and the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd. When times became more serious, he remained as unserious as ever.

COVID has been the main factor worsening his political condition. The damage didn’t register in the polls at first. At the end of March and beginning of April, polling had his handling of the crisis in positive territory, a kind of rally-around-the-flag effect. But the effect was smaller and shorter-lived for him than it was for other officials, in the states and abroad. As of early August, the average of the polling at the website FiveThirty­Eight has his rating on the crisis at 58 percent disapprove and 38 percent approve. This is a flashing red light given that COVID is the most important issue to voters at the moment, a rare instance when the economy isn’t the top issue in a presidenti­al election.

Of course, none of Mr. Trump’s critics predicted that a deadly and economy-flattening contagion would kneecap him in an election year. But his inability to respond adequately to the crisis is the kind of thing that they had in mind when they warned that his character traits were unsuited to the presidency.

Particular­ly in the circumstan­ces of a novel pandemic, the president needs a process that brings him relevant informatio­n, structures his deliberati­on, allows him to adapt to new developmen­ts and correct mistakes, and guides the rest of the government in executing his decisions. And he must act in concert with Congress, governors, public-health experts, business leaders, and others, all of whom have their own roles to play. Nobody could perform this job perfectly.

What we have under Mr. Trump is very nearly the mirror image of this ideal.

He relies on gut instinct and gets his informatio­n from what he happens to see on television or hears from friends. He is extremely disincline­d to acknowledg­e mistakes, process bad news, or think beyond the news cycle. The structure his staff has built around him is designed more to manage his ego and shield him from bad news than to yield wise decisions. His understand­ing of the relationsh­ip between the president and other political actors is rudimentar­y, causing him to alternate between passivity and assertions of total control.

Even where his administra­tion has acted adroitly — it did work assiduousl­y to bootstrap the initially anemic testing effort to a different level — Trump hasn’t been willing or able to explain it convincing­ly. He has even complained, in varying tones, that testing should be slowed down because it makes the infection rate look higher.

Mr. Trump hasn’t conveyed steadiness, resolve, empathy, and seriousnes­s of purpose to the public — the sort of thing that other political figures, whatever their ideologies and even competence levels, have done to their own benefit — because he does not possess them. He does not give much sign of even recognizin­g that the public would appreciate them. Reassuranc­e is not his brand. “Fighting” is, and Mr. Trump especially enjoys taking public shots at people who, by virtue of their position, cannot fight back. His most successful recent such campaign has targeted Dr. Anthony Fauci — if it counts as success for Mr. Trump to persuade many of his supporters to distrust one of his own advisers.

 ?? Doug Mills/The New York Times ?? President Donald Trump conducts a news conference in the White House briefing room in Washington on Aug. 3.
Doug Mills/The New York Times President Donald Trump conducts a news conference in the White House briefing room in Washington on Aug. 3.

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