Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Americans are losing trust in media, and it’s easy to see why

- Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg is a columnist for Tribune Content Agency.

Anew, exhaustive study by Gallup and the Knight Foundation found that Americans across the board are losing trust in the media. Some people might be shocked by this finding, but I suspect more people will be shocked to learn that the media had any trust left to lose.

Either way, I think a separate poll conducted by Gallup might illuminate the problem.

If you’ve paid any attention to the news, particular­ly cable news, over the last couple of months since George Floyd’s killing by police in Minneapoli­s, you might think “defunding” or “abolishing” the police is a widely held and even somewhat mainstream desire.

Gallup suggests this is untrue. The vast majority of Americans, of all races and ethnicitie­s, don’t want the police to leave their communitie­s.

Respondent­s were asked: “Would you rather the police spend more time, the same amount of time or less time as they currently spend in your area?” Sixtyone percent of Black respondent­s said they wanted the same amount of time; 20% said more. Hispanics had similar numbers (59% same, 24% more).

Has anything close to that reality been reflected in the “national conversati­on” about race and policing?

How many softball interviews did CNN or MSNBC conduct with activists claiming to speak for “communitie­s of color” in which “defunding the police” was not only taken seriously but sympatheti­cally?

My point isn’t that all is great with policing in America. But “defund the police” or “abolish the police” (slogans that got wide traction in the elite media for much of the summer, buoyed by polished academics and activists with ready-made talking points) was always an absurd idea, politicall­y and practicall­y — politicall­y because even the most victimized population­s don’t want to get rid of the police, and practicall­y because a police-free modern society is simply unworkable. (Just ask the former denizens of that “autonomous zone” in Seattle.)

The Gallup/Knight study found that nearly 8 in 10 Americans think the media is trying to convince people “to adopt a certain opinion.” Well, for much of this year, skepticism toward “defund the police” rhetoric has been quickly dismissed as just another manifestat­ion of white privilege. Except, as the Gallup poll suggests, Black people don’t view police the same way the activists and journalist­s who dominate the debate do.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than 50 million Americans have at least one interactio­n with police in a given year. Most of those were traffic stops of one kind or another. Eighty-five percent of Black people reported that traffic stops they were involved in were conducted properly.

Again, my point isn’t that all is fine with race and policing in America. Any unjustifie­d killing by a police officer should be condemned and prosecuted for all of the obvious reasons. And the evidence that Black people are disproport­ionately and unfairly singled out for traffic stops seems compelling to me.

But the narrative pushed by the media is almost allegorica­l when held up against reality. I lost track of the number of times reporters and interviewe­rs said, or allowed people to get away with saying, that policing originated as “slave patrols.” Policing is thousands of years old, and while some police department­s in slave states had antecedent­s in such patrols, those in, say, Boston and Minneapoli­s didn’t.

More importantl­y, the purpose of this talking point is to buttress an almost biblical narrative of some original sin that supposedly animates police department­s today. I’d bet not one cop in 10,000 had ever heard that policing was the legacy of slave patrols until this year.

The debate over policing is just one facet of this complex problem. For instance, journalist­s at elite outlets often use “Latinx” to describe a diverse Hispanic or Latino population so as to avoid gendered or colonial connotatio­ns. Never mind that 98% of American Latinos told pollsters at ThinkNow Research that they don’t like, know or use the term.

This isn’t just about liberal media bias. (The right-wing media has biases, too). It reflects a tendency for American media outlets to speak to audiences that are unrepresen­tative of America as a whole. Why they do it can’t be reduced to a single explanatio­n. That they do it is obvious to a lot of Americans.

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