Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

‘Let’s Talk’ is well-researched but generalize­s on some issues

- Charlotte Alter is a national correspond­ent at Time and author of “The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For: How a New Generation of Leaders Will Transform America.”

boomers were at their age. This book explains the data behind those trends, laying out how, as Ms. Filipovic puts it, “life at thirty for your average Millennial looks close to nothing like life at thirty did for you.”

“OK Boomer” is structured according to topic — jobs, housing, climate, family, etc. — and each section includes exhaustive research on how millennial­s have experience­d each corner of adult life differentl­y than their parents did. If you’re getting ready for generation­al combat on your family Zoom calls, consider this book your handy arsenal of easily weaponized facts.

Ms. Filipovic is particular­ly smart on issues of gender, relationsh­ips and the inequality of labor at home, and the sections of “OK Boomer” that interrogat­e how millennial­s are having different kinds of sex, renegotiat­ing marriage and children, and re-creating the nuclear family are especially sharp. Her research into how Fox News has poisoned the minds of many TVaddicted boomers is particular­ly relevant in an election year when the president is relying on support from aging white baby boomers. This book is full of data — on the economy, technology and more — that will help millennial­s articulate their generation­al rage and help boomers understand where they’re coming from.

But Ms. Filipovic doesn’t quite successful­ly prosecute the case against boomers, nor does she offer a fresh analysis of millennial­s’ generation­al destiny. Instead, she presents research to prove what has by now become common knowledge: Millennial­s are more indebted, more financiall­y precarious, more concerned about climate change, and less personally and profession­ally secure than their parents were. While Ms. Filipovic is right that many of our most pressing national issues can be viewed through a generation­al lens, she too often slips into tangents about other cultural issues, from wellness trends to Roman Polanski, that seem only thinly connected to the central generation­al conflict.

Some problems she presents as uniquely millennial — like moving to a cheaper area to raise a family or sacrificin­g passions for job security — are simply the sour trade-offs of adulthood, which boomers and Gen Xers have grappled with as well. At times, “OK Boomer” feels less about the divide between boomers and millennial­s and more about everything that is wrong with everything.

That may be the point. Ms. Filipovic argues nearly every systemic problem in America — from unaffordab­le housing to a broken health care system to the difficulty of raising a family — is the fault of the baby boomers. While boomers often take credit for the social movements of the 1960s, she points out, those movements were largely led by non-boomers born in the 1920s and 1930s (although all leaders need followers, and many of those followers were boomers). Baby boomers’ true political legacy, she argues, is the Reagan revolution of the 1980s and the shrinking of the social safety net in the decades that followed (although while many boomers voted for Ronald Reagan, they’re hardly solely responsibl­e for his presidency — he won in a landslide, across all generation­s, both times). But on the whole, Ms. Filipovic is right that boomers have fumbled the generation­al football: They didn’t address climate change when they could, gutted public investment in social programs that would have benefited their children and grandchild­ren, and ushered in a new era of economic precarity that left their descendant­s poorer and more anxious. Older white voters — many of them boomers — are directly responsibl­e for the Trump presidency, which might be considered the lighted match in the paper house.

But while it’s true boomers have largely failed to create a better world, Ms. Filipovic risks overstatin­g the exact scope and nature of that failure and ends up laying the entirety of American social injustice at their feet. At times, she oversimpli­fies the argument, as when she writes in the introducti­on that “overall, the Boomer generation brought us a rapid national shift away from the ideals of gender equality, racial justice and pacifism.” It’s true that boomers haven’t lived up to their self-professed ’60s ideals, that they could have done more to achieve racial justice and gender equality, and that significan­t gaps still remain. But America is significan­tly less racist and sexist in 2020 than it was when the first boomers were born in 1946, when they joined the social movements of the 1960s and ’70s, or even when they reached political maturity in the 1980s. Throughout this book, Ms. Filipovic falls into the particular­ly millennial habit of equating inadequate progress with total failure; true, boomers didn’t create a perfect world for their children — but they didn’t inherit a perfect world from their parents, either.

Millennial­s have grown up in a world shaped by boomer priorities, boomer attitudes and boomer policies — but that world is slowly crumbling. This book should help boomers understand millennial­s a little better, and they might as well: The winds are shifting in our direction.

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