Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Support wildlife, restore habitat


What do COVID- 19, SARS, West Nile virus and Lyme disease have in common? They all originated in wildlife, and, while they’re also all diseases we fear getting, we humans have played a part in their spread.

As our increasing population expands, roads and developmen­t cut wild animals off from places they need to access food, water, mates, migratory destinatio­ns and escape routes from natural disasters. As a consequenc­e, an alarming number of species are going extinct. Loss of biodiversi­ty caused by habitat fragmentat­ion has been linked to an increase in infectious disease spread and the risk of diseases passing from wildlife to people.

Pennsylvan­ia House Resolution 670, now in committee, would connect existing and restored habitat with highway overpasses and culverts to allow wildlife safe passage. These conservati­on corridors could prevent species from going extinct and, so, boost biodiversi­ty and limit disease transmissi­on. For the sake of people, as well as wildlife, urge your legislator­s to support H. R. 670.



The writer is a volunteer for the Endangered Species Coalition Mid- Atlantic Region.

Vote early

I just called the Allegheny County elections office wanting to pick up my mail- in ballot, which my wife and I requested over a month ago.

The person I spoke with informed me that the ballot has not been printed yet and should be ready by the end of September or beginning of October.

I find this unbelievab­le! With the whole country urging to get your mail- in ballots and vote early, Allegheny County doesn’t have one yet? Maybe Mayor Bill Peduto or Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald can look into this.


Squirrel Hill

Current divisions

In the Sept. 6 column by Keith C. Burris, “Two Countries,” he fails to understand or admit a simple fact. As in previous columns, he tries to describe our current divisions in terms of past political difference­s.

The simple fact he ignores is that Donald Trump, as a president and a person, is unpreceden­ted in American history. There has never been a president as rude, crude and blatantly selfish as Mr. Trump. More important, there has never been one to actively and constantly attempt to divide the country for his own political gain. When a candidate wins an election, he usually tries to unify and be the leader for everyone. Not Mr. Trump. Also, his willful ignorance about nearly any subject and his intellectu­al laziness are unpreceden­ted.

Mr. Burris’ reference to a spirited conversati­on about Richard Nixon and Eugene McCarthy is an attempt to create another false equivalenc­y.

Even Nixon was not as unabashedl­y a white supremacis­t as Mr. Trump. And no other president has ever been accused of disparagin­g members of the military who died in war as “losers” and “suckers.” Even the few who don’t believe he said these things will have to admit that it certainly sounds like something he’d say. And what does that say about Mr. Trump? RICHARD RESTIVO

North Fayette

Financial hypocrite

Cal Thomas is a first- class hypocrite. He claims to care about the deficit in his Sept. 9 op- ed “Another Day Deeper and Older in Debt.” But, in 2017, at a time the U. S. was already running a large deficit, he irresponsi­bly supported a massive tax cut.

The result was, predictabl­y, a $ 1 trillion deficit before pandemic spending made matters even worse. Mr. Thomas cares only about low taxes, which is his right, but he should not actually show those crocodile tears about the deficit.


North Side

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