Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


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- — Adapted from nyt.com

Fried artichokes are crispy like french fries but so much sweeter. The original recipe calls for frying the artichokes twice for maximum crispness, spread out like flowers, but I opted to instead cut them in half and only fry them once. It was faster. You don’t need anything other than salt for serving.

2 tablespoon­s fine sea salt, or to taste

1 teaspoon ground black pepper, or to taste

Juice and rind of 2 lemons 8 American globe artichokes

Olive oil for frying

Mix salt and pepper in a small bowl. Fill a large bowl with water and add juice and rinds of lemons. Set both bowls aside.

Using a sharp paring or bird’s beak knife, shave off the tough outer leaves of artichokes until you reach the tender pale green or yellow leaves and create a bulbous shape.

Cut off at least an inch of the thorny top. Trim the stem near the heart, peeling off the outer green fiber and leaving about 2 inches of stem if possible. Immediatel­y put the artichokes in the lemon water to prevent browning.

Fill an electric fryer or deep cast-iron enameled pot with enough oil to almost cover artichokes. Heat to 325 degrees. While oil is heating, dry artichokes well with paper towels. Cut cleaned artichokes in halves or quarters, remove the hairy choke, and sprinkle with salt and pepper, rubbing in the seasoning.

Fry artichokes in batches. Cook, turning occasional­ly with tongs, for about 15 minutes, or until a fork easily pierces the stem at its thickest point. The outside should be bronzed.

Drain well and serve immediatel­y with a sprinkle of salt. Eat with your fingers.

Yields 16 artichoke halves.

 ?? Gretchen McKay/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ??
Gretchen McKay/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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