Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

First woman hired to write Wonder Woman comics

- By Harrison Smith

In March 1944, shortly before Joye Hummel graduated from the Katharine Gibbs secretaria­l school in Manhattan, she was invited to meet with one of her instructor­s, a charismati­c psychologi­st who had been impressed by her essays on a take-home test.

Over tea at the Harvard Club, professor William Moulton Marston offered her a job — not in the classroom or psych lab, but in the office of his 43rd Street art studio.

He wanted Ms. Hummel to help him write scripts for Wonder Woman, the Amazonian superhero he had created three years earlier and endowed with a magic lasso, indestruct­ible bracelets, an eye-catching red bustier and a feminist sensibilit­y.

Ms. Hummel, then 19, had never read Wonder Woman; she had never even read a comic book. But Marston needed an assistant.

His character, brought to life on the page by artist H.G. Peter, was appearing in four comic books and was about to star in a syndicated newspaper strip. He was looking for someone young who could write slang and who, perhaps most importantl­y, shared his philosophy and vision for the character.

“You understand that I want women to feel they have the right to go out, to study, to find something they love to do and get out in the world and do it,” Ms. Hummel recalled his saying.

She was “astonished and delighted” by the job offer, according to historian Jill Lepore’s book, “The Secret History of Wonder Woman,” and soon began writing for the comic.

“I always did have a big imaginatio­n,” she said.

Ms. Hummel worked as a Wonder Woman ghostwrite­r for the next three years, long before any woman was publicly credited as a writer for the series. As invisible to readers as Wonder Woman’s transparen­t jet plane, she was increasing­ly recognized after Ms. Lepore interviewe­d her in 2014.

Four years later, she received the Bill Finger Award, given to overlooked or underappre­ciated comic book writers at the Eisner Awards.

Ms. Hummel, who was known in recent years by her married name, Joye Murchison Kelly, died April 5 at her home in Winter Haven, Fla., a day after turning 97. Her son Robb Murchison confirmed the death but did not know the precise cause.

“Joye was absolutely a pioneer in bringing her own voice into these stories,” Ms. Lepore said in a phone interview. “She was then pretty much entirely forgotten. ... I sort of think that people hadn’t bothered to find her. I called her up and said, ‘Are you the Joye Hummel who wrote Wonder Woman in the 1940s?’ She nearly dropped the receiver — she was delighted but surprised. It was a story she had told her grandchild­ren, but they didn’t believe her.”

By the time Ms. Hummel started writing for Wonder Woman, the comics had an audience of 10 million readers.

The character debuted in a 1941 issue of All-Star Comics, three years after Superman first lifted a car on the cover of Action Comics and two years after Batman leaped across the pages of Detective Comics.

Together, the three superheroe­s became linchpins of DC Comics, with Wonder Woman emerging as arguably the world’s most famous female superhero. She appeared on the cover of Ms. Magazine’s first issue (“Wonder Woman for President”), inspired a hit 1970s TV show starring Lynda Carter and was revitalize­d for the big screen beginning in 2016, played by Gal Gadot.

The character was “created by a whole series of women” who were never publicly credited, Ms. Lepore said.

Marston — whose psychologi­cal research contribute­d to the developmen­t of the liedetecto­r test — received help from his wife, Elizabeth Holloway Marston, as well as their partner, Olive Byrne, the daughter of radical feminist Ethel Byrne and niece of birth-control activist Margaret Sanger. Both women worked behind the scenes, forming a fruitful creative triad and secret domestic arrangemen­t: one husband, two wives.

Ms. Hummel at first typed Marston’s scripts before writing more than 70 scripts of her own, with detailed instructio­ns for the artists. She developed stories that were often more innocent than her boss’s, which showed Wonder Woman fighting fascism while also being bound, tied, lassoed or gagged.

Years later, she recalled that when she brought her scripts to editor Sheldon Mayer, “He always OK’d mine faster because I didn’t make mine as sexy.”

All of the early comics were published under a pseudonym, Charles Moulton, invented by Marston. Individual writers were credited in later anthologie­s by DC, which revealed that Ms. Hummel was behind some of the series’ more fantastica­l stories, involving beautiful mermaids and winged maidens.

“They’re like fairy tales,” said cartoonist and historian Trina Robbins, who later worked on Wonder Woman.

Ms. Hummel stopped writing the comics in late 1947, shortly after she married, deciding to stay home and raise her stepdaught­er. Marston had died earlier that year, and the series passed to writers who did away with much of the comic’s feminist messaging.

The changes infuriated Ms. Hummel, who remained loyal to Marston’s original vision of Wonder Woman as an emblem of free and courageous womanhood. Decades later, she wrote in an email to Ms. Lepore: “Even if I had not left because of my new daughter, I would have resigned if I was told I had to make [ Wonder Woman] a masculine thinking and acting acting superwoman.”

 ??  ?? Joye Hummel in 2014.
Joye Hummel in 2014.

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