Pittsburgh Post-Gazette



Thursday, June 17, 2021

The following astrologic­al forecasts should be read for entertainm­ent value only. These prediction­s have no reliable basis in scientific fact.

Moon Alert: There are no restrictio­ns to shopping or important decisions today until 9 p.m. Pacific time. The Moon is in Virgo.

ARIES ( March 21- April 19)

✩✩ Today you are aware of your health. Or perhaps your pet. ( Woof!) More likely, you will have to work for the benefit of someone else, and, furthermor­e, you might not get credit for what you’re doing. ( Whaaat?) Bummer. Tonight: Patience.

TAURUS (April 20- May 20) ✩✩✩ This is a relatively easygoing day. If you can, schmooze with others. You’re also interested in the arts, music, movies and fun outings. Tonight: Relax.

GEMINI ( May 21-June 20)

✩✩✩ Today you want to retire by yourself in a private place because it feels good. It’s the perfect day for some navel gazing or pleasant relaxation in a private way. ( You might realize how much your habits dictate your life.) Tonight: Domesticit­y.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

✩✩ In conversati­ons with others today, you feel the need to establish an emotional bond. You want the real thing — the nitty- gritty. You don’t want superficia­l chitchat. You need a meaningful conversati­on. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone? Tonight: Be curious.

LEO (July 23- Aug. 22) ✩✩ You might identify with your possession­s today, which is why you might want to show something off. Or perhaps you won’t lend something to someone because it’s too precious. You’re focused on your money today, which is why you are also more aware of your spending habits. Tonight: Watch your spending.

VIRGO (Aug. 23- Sept. 22) ✩✩ Today you feel more emotional than usual — no question. You are emotionall­y giving and also emotionall­y demanding. This is because you feel a strong need to relate to others today. Note: It’s good to know that your luck is slightly better today, which is why you can ask the universe for a favor. Tonight: Explore.

LIBRA (Sept. 23- Oct. 22) ✩✩ Your pace has been a tad hectic and busy lately, which is why today you will welcome solitude in beautiful surroundin­gs, preferably with a nice snack, something tasty. You will also have a chance to collect yourself and pull your act together before you take it on the road. Tonight: Enjoy solitude.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23- Nov. 21) ✩✩ A conversati­on with a friend, possibly a female, will be meaningful for you today. No doubt you will feel a bonding with this person that is reassuring to you. In fact, this increased trust or closeness will encourage you to share your dreams for the future with them. Why not? Tonight: Be friendly.


22- Dec. 21) ✩✩ You should be aware of the fact that people notice you more than usual today. Do you need to do some damage control? Check your zipper? This is the kind of day where you might have a public argument with a loved one. ( People can hear you hissing.) Tonight: Relax.

CAPRICORN ( Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ✩✩✩ Because you long for some stimulatio­n and adventure today, you want something to happen! You don’t want the same old, same old. Obviously, if you want a different result, you have to do something different to make this happen. Go someplace you’ve never been before. Tonight: Test new ideas.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20- Feb. 18) ✩✩ Although this is a playful, fun- loving time for you, you can’t ignore business. What’s happening with your bank account and other red-tape matters? Take care of loose details or, at least, check them out so you know what’s happening. Tonight: Do homework.

PISCES ( Feb. 19- March 20) ✩✩ Today you have to be cooperativ­e with others, especially those who are closest to you. Make nice with them. That’s because the Moon is opposite your sign. In two weeks, when the Moon is in your sign, they have to make nice with you. Tonight: cooperate.

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