Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Vaccines can only do so much; the rest is up to people


Surprise!” This seems to be the unpleasant byword of the pandemic. Face masks aren’t necessary, we were told. Surprise, they are. The pandemic will end with vaccine herd immunity — surprise, not enough people got the shot. The infections are going way down — surprise, the delta variant is pushing them back up. The vaccines, described as up to 95% effective, were thought to be a ticket out of the pandemic. Now, surprise, not quite.

Certainly, hopes were sky-high that vaccines would lead to a “summer of joy and freedom,” as the White House put it, and that shots would be one-and-done, or two. But as Helen Branswell of STAT writes, “our soaring expectatio­ns for COVID-19 vaccines are in the process of sinking back to earth.” Rather than be disappoint­ed at this latest vaccine twist, we should be realistic while demanding that people also use every other tool we have at hand against the virus. The research, developmen­t and production of vaccines against COVID were a medical and logistical marvel. Never before have such potent vaccines come to the rescue so quickly, some of them using innovative genetic building blocks. They have already saved untold numbers of lives.

Studies continue to show the efficacy of the vaccines is waning against infection as time goes by. The latest was a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published Aug. 24 based on 4,217 frontline health care workers in eight locations in six states, covering the period from the start of inoculatio­n in December through Aug. 14. The study found that the vaccines were 91% effective in the months before the delta variant but only 66% in the period of delta’s predominan­ce this summer. Separately, data collected by an app from more than 1 million users in Britain showed that the effectiven­ess of the Pfizer shot declined from 88% to 74% after five to six

months, and the AstraZenec­a vaccine from 77% to 67% after four to five months. The reasons are still a guess, but possibilit­ies include the emergence of the super-transmissi­ble delta variant, as well as the machinatio­ns of the human immune system. The good news, extremely important to remember, is that vaccine protection is holding up against severe disease, hospitaliz­ation and death. This was the main purpose and remains a vaccine win.

The dream that vaccines would immediatel­y squelch the pandemic was unrealisti­c. Booster doses are probably necessary. The problem of vaccines losing their punch — and requiring a second or more doses — has been common with other diseases, including pertussis and measles. Fortunatel­y, research suggests that vaccine boosters can dramatical­ly raise antibodies against the coronaviru­s.

The fault here is not with the vaccines. It lies squarely on the shoulders of those who refuse to get vaccinated, and all those — including some reckless political leaders — who refuse to embrace other diseasefig­hting tools that are critical: face masks, improved ventilatio­n, good hygiene, distancing and testing. Vaccines can do only so much, because there is no such thing as an inoculatio­n against human obstinacy.

 ?? Press ?? Mary Altaffer/Associated
Press Mary Altaffer/Associated

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