Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

J&J seeks FDA approval for boosters

- By Matthew Perrone

WASHINGTON — Johnson & Johnson asked the Food and Drug Administra­tion on Tuesday to allow extra shots of its COVID-19 vaccine as the U.S. government moves toward expanding its booster campaign to millions more vaccinated Americans.

J&J said it filed a request with the FDA to authorize boosters for people 18 and older who previously received the company’s oneshot vaccine. While the company said it submitted data on several different booster intervals, ranging from two to six months, it did not formally recommend one to regulators.

Last month, the FDA authorized booster shots of Pfizer’s vaccine for older Americans and other groups with heightened vulnerabil­ity to COVID-19. It’s part of a sweeping effort by the Biden administra­tion to shore up protection amid the delta variant and potential waning vaccine immunity.

Government advisers backed the extra Pfizer shots, but they also worried about creating confusion for tens of millions of other Americans who received the Moderna and J&J shots. U.S. officials don’t recommend mixing different vaccine brands.

The FDA is convening its outside panel of advisers next week to review booster data from both J&J and Moderna. It’s the first step in a review process that also includes sign-off from the leadership of both the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If both agencies give the go-ahead, Americans could begin getting J&J and Moderna boosters later this month.

J&J previously released data suggesting its vaccine remains highly effective against COVID-19 at least five months after vaccinatio­n, demonstrat­ing 81% effectiven­ess against hospitaliz­ations in the U.S.

But company research shows a booster dose at either two or six months revved up immunity even further. Data released last month showed giving a booster at two months provided 94% protection against moderate-to-severe COVID-19 infection. The company has not yet released clinical data on a sixmonth booster shot.

FDA’s advisers will review studies from the company and other researcher­s next Friday and vote on whether to recommend boosters.

The timing of the J&J filing was unusual given that the FDA had already scheduled its meeting on the company’s data. Companies normally submit their requests well in advance of meeting announceme­nts. A J&J executive said the company has been working with FDA on the review.

“Both J&J and FDA have a sense of urgency because it’s COVID and we want good data out there converted into action as soon as possible,” said Dr. Mathai Mammen, head of research for J&J’s Janssen unit.

The vaccine from the New Brunswick, N.J., company was considered an important tool in fighting the pandemic because it requires only one shot. But its rollout was hurt by a series of troubles, including manufactur­ing problems at a Baltimore factory that forced J&J to import millions of doses from overseas.

Additional­ly, regulators have added warnings of several rare side effects to the shot, including a blood clot disorder and a neurologic­al reaction called GuillainBa­rré syndrome. In both cases, regulators decided the benefits of the shot still outweighed those uncommon risks.

Rival drugmakers Pfizer and Moderna have provided the vast majority of U.S. COVID-19 vaccines. More than 170 million Americans have been fully vaccinated with the companies’ twodose shots while less than 15 million Americans got the J&J shot.

 ?? Michael Ciaglo/Getty Images ?? Prepared doses of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine sit in a box at an event put on by the Thornton Fire Department on March 6 in Thornton, Colo.
Michael Ciaglo/Getty Images Prepared doses of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine sit in a box at an event put on by the Thornton Fire Department on March 6 in Thornton, Colo.

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