Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Jury set in Michigan governor plot trial


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — A jury was selected Tuesday for the trial of four men charged with plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020, extraordin­ary allegation­s of violence planned against an elected official that led the presiding judge to advise: “This isn’t your average criminal case.”

Opening statements were scheduled for Wednesday in the federal court in Grand Rapids. Prosecutor­s have said the men were angry about pandemic restrictio­ns the Democratic governor imposed, and that they will present secret recordings and other evidence against the men, including of a trip to check Ms. Whitmer’s vacation home and training with weapons and explosives.

Defense attorneys say the men deny any conspiracy to kidnap Ms. Whitmer, and have signaled an entrapment defense, criticizin­g the government’s use of undercover FBI agents and confidenti­al informants.

Eleven women and seven men were selected to serve as jurors, with 12 who will decide the case and six alternates, though the court did not make clear Tuesday which jurors are alternates. Before they left the courtroom, U.S. District Judge Robert Jonker told the jury to stay off social media and not discuss the case with family.

“Put them on pause,” he said.

Earlier Tuesday, Judge Jonker told prospectiv­e jurors they must put aside any personal feelings about politics, Ms. Whitmer and her administra­tion’s response to COVID-19, to fairly hear the case. Several said they weren’t sure they could be impartial.

Some potential jurors were dismissed after the judge’s questions revealed they dislike Ms. Whitmer. A woman who said she is an enthusiast­ic supporter of the governor also was let go, as was a man who told the court, “I don’t really trust the government right now.” Another man was dismissed after saying he has followed news coverage of the case closely and “I think they’re guilty.”

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