Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Become resigned to COVID

- Dr. Cory Franklin and Mary Hall Dr. Cory Franklin is a retired intensive care physician. Mary Hall is a pediatric specialist in private practice.

Whether it is attending school, being vaccinated or transmitti­ng the virus at family gatherings, the role of children in the COVID-19 pandemic has been contentiou­s and widely debated, not just in the United States but across the world.

Two years in, what have we learned and what can we apply to the future concerning children and COVID-19?

When the threat of COVID-19 emerged in early 2020, pediatrici­ans braced to provide care for a flood of sick children across the country. A pediatric clinic is normally a busy place, especially during the protracted viral respirator­y season, October to May, when it is typical for small children to annually experience as many as 10 colds caused by endemic respirator­y viruses.

Fortunatel­y, in most situations, healthy children recover from respirator­y viruses within a week with supportive care and endemic human respirator­y viruses becoming permanent members of our viral ecosystem. But COVID19 was an unknown wild card.

It turned out to be a pleasant surprise when it became clear the coronaviru­s caused milder illness in children than adults. For healthy young patients, with rare exceptions, this has essentiall­y remained true throughout the pandemic.

But there was another intriguing and unexpected surprise as well. In the first year of the pandemic, COVID-19 turned out to be milder in children, but colds, ear infections, wheezing episodes and stomach bugs also seemed to disappear. The frequency of common viral illnesses expected in the youngest patients plummeted.

Initially, it was believed that parents were simply reluctant to bring children in, but greater numbers of parents reported, with considerab­le relief, that their children were just not getting sick.

This temporary disappeara­nce of most endemic pediatric viruses was partly the result of behavior changes, particular­ly the cancellati­on of in-person meetings, group activities and travel plans. However, pandemic mitigation­s could not be the entire explanatio­n because the same disappeara­nce was observed in areas where children attended school or uninterrup­ted day care.

Eventually, with the onset of the highly contagious omicron wave last winter, more and more children were infected with COVID-19, most with mild symptoms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that as of February 2022, approximat­ely 75% of children and adolescent­s have been infected, with approximat­ely one-third of those infections coming since December 2021. Including those who have been vaccinated, there is now considerab­le population immunity to the virus in children.

In the past year, a rebound in routine childhood viruses has occurred during the intervals when COVID-19 waves ebbed. The typical viral respirator­y illnesses are spreading again, with the expected natural cycle of waning in May and returning in autumn.

Parents and teachers once again confront maintainin­g public health measures meant to avoid the spread of viral illnesses with the priority of the educationa­l, developmen­tal and emotional needs of children. The key is to offer kids routine protection against common diseases (staying home when sick, washing hands) — not frantic overprotec­tion against one illness in particular.

The pediatric immune system is programmed to encounter a new virus and generate an initial immune response. Anyone who has spent time with toddlers is familiar with their desire to touch and lick everything. This type of exploratio­n plays many roles in child developmen­t, and one may include immunologi­c developmen­t.

Small children sample the viral environmen­t, which in turn enables them to mount an immune response. Children eventually augment the response with subsequent exposures, eventually resulting in a mature, adult immune system. It is beneficial for children to be exposed to routine viral illnesses that inevitably spread and ultimately recede. Acceptance of this reality will be important in preventing unnecessar­y disruption­s to children’s lives.

Viruses interact with each other and with our immune systems. Some of these interactio­ns may be advantageo­us for unknown reasons. On occasion, wide spread of one virus can crowd out other viruses, a phenomenon known as viral interferen­ce. This happened in 2009 when an incipient influenza pandemic was shortcircu­ited by an endemic rhinovirus outbreak.

Was this what happened in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic? If so, the return of endemic viruses and unpleasant, but benign, colds may be an encouragin­g sign that the pandemic is finally subsiding.

In the New Testament, Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” As parents, pediatrici­ans and other profession­als who love children, we should guard against becoming overprotec­tive. For children to develop the robust immune systems required for healthy adulthood, we must recognize that viral illnesses are a necessary part of life.

 ?? Emma H. Tobin/Associated Press ?? A mother holds her son during an appointmen­t for a Moderna COVID-19 vaccine trial in Commack, N.Y. on Nov. 30, 2021.
Emma H. Tobin/Associated Press A mother holds her son during an appointmen­t for a Moderna COVID-19 vaccine trial in Commack, N.Y. on Nov. 30, 2021.

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