Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Mich. elections board rejects abortion rights amendment initiative


LANSING, Mich. — A Michigan elections board on Wednesday rejected an abortion rights initiative after its two Republican board members voted against putting the proposed constituti­onal amendment on the November ballot.

The two Democrats on the Board of State Canvassers voted in favor, but getting the measure on the ballot required at least three votes of the fourmember board. The Reproducti­ve Freedom for All campaign, which gathered signatures to get the measure on the ballot, is expected to appeal to the Democratic-leaning Michigan Supreme Court in the coming days.

The board’s administra­tive and clerical work on elections was once carried out in obscurity, but it drew national attention in 2020 when Donald Trump pressured Republican members not to certify Joe Biden’s electoral win in the state.

Its partisan split was evident on another issue Wednesday when it deadlocked 2-2 on a measure to expand voting, with Democrats for it and Republican­s against.

Abortion rights have become a powerful motivator for voters since Roe was overturned.

In conservati­ve Kansas, voters overwhelmi­ngly defeated a ballot measure that would have allowed the Republican-controlled Legislatur­e to tighten restrictio­ns or ban the procedure outright, and the issue has swayed votes in special elections for Congress, including an upstate New York battlegrou­nd district.

The proposed constituti­onal amendment aims to negate a 91-year-old state law that would ban abortion in all instances except to save the life of the mother. The meeting drew hundreds of people, who packed the hearing room and overflow rooms for a chance to comment. Abortion opponents also protested outside.

Michigan’s 1931 law — which abortion opponents had hoped would be triggered by a conservati­ve majority on the U. S. Supreme Court overturnin­g Roe vs. Wade in June — remains blocked after months of court battles. A state judge ruled Aug. 19 that Republican county prosecutor­s couldn’t enforce the ban, saying it was “in the public’s best interest to let the people of the great state of Michigan decide this matter at the ballot box.”

Darci McConnell, a spokeswoma­n for Reproducti­ve Freedom for All, the group backing the measure, remains confident.

“We had more than 730,000 people who read, signed and understood what they signed. The board was supposed to do one thing today and affirm that we had the signatures, their own bureau said we did. So we’re still optimistic that we’ll be on the ballot in November,” Ms. McConnell said.

Supporters of the other initiative, to expand voting including adding ballot drop boxes, also are expected to appeal to the Supreme Court. Groups have seven business days to appeal and the ballot must be finalized by Sept. 9.

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