Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Men could stop abortions if they wanted to

- Robin Abcarian Robin Abcarian is a columnist for the Los Angeles Times.

Last week, the investigat­ive website ProPublica posted a fascinatin­g story based on the leaked recording of a National Right to Life webinar designed to persuade Republican Tennessee legislator­s not to soften the state’s abortion ban, one of the most restrictiv­e in the country.

In Tennessee, all abortions are illegal. If the procedure is deemed medically necessary to save the life of the mother, her doctor has to prove it. Imagine. A woman must be at death’s door, facing organ failure, in order for her physician to legally intervene to save her life. And then, the onus is on the doctor to prove that his patient’s death was imminent.

As the law stands, a doctor who performs an abortion can be charged with a felony. If he can’t prove his judgment was correct, a conviction could result in up to 15 years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines.

The ProPublica story focused on Tennessee Republican state Sen. Richard Briggs, a heart surgeon, and his desire to see the draconian abortion ban amended to make “clear exceptions for rape, incest, severe fetal anomalies and cases where the pregnant patient’s life or health are at risk.”

The pushback from abortion foes was ferocious, as the leaked recording revealed. At no time during the hourlong webinar did legislator­s or abortion foes even come close to discussing how to prevent unwanted pregnancie­s (they talked hopefully about the prospect of regulating contracept­ives), or the pivotal role men play.

I would love for each and every one of them to receive a copy of the book “Ejaculate Responsibl­y: A Whole New Way to Think About Abortion,” a modest but extensivel­y footnoted little book that places blame for unwanted pregnancie­s squarely on men.

The book, published last month, is based on a viral 2018 Twitter thread by the popular blogger Gabrielle Blair, a Mormon mother of six who said she was appalled by men “grandstand­ing” about abortion during the Senate confirmati­on hearings for then-Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh.

She concluded that men have the power to stop all unwanted pregnancie­s and simply choose not to. “ALL unwanted pregnancie­s are caused by the irresponsi­ble ejaculatio­ns of men,” she wrote in her thread. “Period.”

Her argument is deceptivel­y simplistic, but it makes sense. If sperm does not meet egg, pregnancy, wanted or unwanted, cannot occur. Women, obviously, cannot control where their eggs are at any given moment in their fertility cycles. But men can control exactly where their sperm goes and can always prevent it from creating a pregnancy. “Ovulation is involuntar­y,” writes Blair. “Ejaculatio­n is voluntary.”

Blair argues persuasive­ly that men’s pleasure and health have always taken priority over women’s pleasure and health.

Women mainly bear the brunt of contracept­ion. Blair’s book includes statistics that show women are responsibl­e for most purchases in the $8 billion birth control market. And almost all forms of birth control for women, with the exception of abstinence, can be expensive, risky or painful. And usually require prescripti­ons.

“The list of side effects for the Pill/Patch/Ring/Shot is long and serious,” Blair writes, “including depression, fatigue, headache, insomnia, mood swings, nausea, breast pain, vomiting, weight gain, acne, bloating, blood clots, heart attack, high blood pressure, liver cancer and stroke.”

In 2016, Blair writes, the World Health Organizati­on conducted a trial for a form of male birth control. It was a hormonal injection that would lower sperm count. “The results were very promising, showing a 96% effectiven­ess rate at preventing pregnancy.”

But the trial was cut short after men complained about the shot’s most common side effects: acne and weight gain. Also, of the 320 participan­ts, one became depressed and another suicidal.

At this point, writes Blair, “men have two options for birth control — condoms and vasectomie­s. Both are easier, cheaper, more convenient and safer than birth control options for women.”

A condom, almost 100% effective, is inexpensiv­e, safe and takes little effort to use. Either partner can provide one. But there is a huge cultural barrier to universal condom use. Men claim, with little evidence, that a condom mutes their pleasure, or that it is uncomforta­ble or they are allergic to sheepskin. With a bit of experiment­ation, Blair writes, any condom-averse man can find a brand that works for him.

As for vasectomie­s, which have spiked in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturnin­g Roe, the procedure is fast, virtually painless and highly reversible. A man can also bank his sperm beforehand if he thinks he may change his mind about fatherhood.

Listen, I know that if abortion foes, basking in the Supreme Court’s misguided ruling, were serious about ending abortion, they would be serious about ending unwanted pregnancie­s.

But they aren’t. They will never surrender the idea that women who have sex for pleasure must be punished by forced birth.

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