Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

How I changed my mind (a little) about the villain Richard Nixon

- Nicholas Goldberg Nicholas Goldberg is an associate editor and columnist for the Los Angeles Times.

In the house where I grew up, President Richard Nixon was a villain. My parents voted against him every opportunit­y they got, and we all cheered when he resigned. That he was a criminal, a warmonger, a bigot, a vicious redbaiter, a threat to the Constituti­on — these were unquestion­able truths.

So for me, a recent visit to the Richard M. Nixon Presidenti­al Library and Museum in Yorba Linda, California, was a headturnin­g, mind-bending experience that challenged my assumption­s and forced me to test my long-hardened opinions against a very different narrative.

Some people don’t like having their assumption­s challenged. I decided to embrace it.

At the museum, I knew I’d be entering an alternativ­e universe. One in which the same facts are presented but somehow seem different, where the story has subtly shifted so you’re caught off guard.

The Nixon presented by the museum is one who needs to be judged “on nothing less than his entire life and career,” as President Bill Clinton put it at Nixon’s funeral in 1994. The museum’s Nixon is not innocent or blameless, yet the portrait painted is fundamenta­lly warm, admiring and forgiving.

This Nixon is complex, a man of vision, a tragic hero brought down by his own flaws.

I wandered through the exhibits, learning about his days in the Navy, and about his courtship of his future wife, Pat. He seemed downright human. But I couldn’t help wondering: Was I being played?

Surely they were right about Nixon’s successes: He made an extraordin­ary, historic visit to China in 1972 that laid the groundwork for normalized relations between the U.S. and that country. It was so unexpected and transforma­tive that it spawned a metaphor: “Nixon-to-China moment.”

Later that year he met in Moscow with Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, setting the stage for arms control agreements and a new era of detente in the midst of the Cold War.

Remarkably, it was Nixon — a Republican — who created the Environmen­tal Protection Agency and signed the Endangered Species Act. He signed the Occupation­al Safety and Health Administra­tion into existence.

Frankly, it is difficult to imagine Republican­s today working across the aisle on such important projects. And given today’s vituperati­ve, self-destructiv­e politics, it’s hard not to be swayed by his words at his first inaugurati­on: “We cannot learn from one another until we stop shouting at one another.” God knows President Donald Trump never said anything so thoughtful.

But each step I took through the museum was a process of confrontin­g and testing my own beliefs and prejudices, pitting the facts as I understood them against those being presented.

Yes, Nixon inherited the Vietnam War from his Democratic predecesso­rs — and eventually ended it. But he also bombed urban areas, mined harbors and presided over a cross-border troop incursion into Cambodia. It shouldn’t have taken him five years to end the war.

Nixon was recorded on the famous White House tapes saying Washington “is full of Jews,” and “most Jews are disloyal” and “you can’t trust the bastards.” But if those recordings were mentioned at the museum, I missed them. Instead, in the exhibit on the tapes, I was able to listen to him congratula­ting the Pittsburgh Pirates on their 1971 World Series victory.

What about the Republican­s’ cynical “Southern strategy” to win over white voters in the South using coded language to play on racial fears?

And finally, Watergate. In the run-up to the 1972 campaign, Nixon’s cronies burgled the office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatri­st, broke into Democratic National Committee headquarte­rs at the Watergate Hotel, engaged in “dirty tricks” and campaign finance abuses. They targeted political enemies, including weaponizin­g the IRS against adversarie­s. The museum, to its credit, had a relatively thorough exhibit on the scandal.

In the end I didn’t find my core beliefs upended or my view of the world shattered. Nixon is still a villain in my mind. But I came away with a more nuanced view and a better understand­ing of how others might see the man differentl­y. I could recognize his successes. And I was served a wellneeded reminder that people (even those as polarizing as Nixon) are rarely entirely good or bad.

Which brings me back to my main point. It is important to remain open to argument, to challenge your preconcept­ions and to listen to alternativ­e views with an open mind. Sometimes it helps you ratify what you already believe. Sometimes it doesn’t.

But of this I’m sure: Talking only to people within our bubbles, allowing ourselves to be governed by polarizati­on, siloizatio­n, demonizati­on and confirmati­on bias — that’s intellectu­ally lazy.

Hate Nixon by all means, if that’s where the facts lead you. Or don’t, if you think his accomplish­ments are commensura­te with his failures. But hear each other out.

 ?? Associated Press ?? President Richard Nixon
Associated Press President Richard Nixon

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