Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Pope Francis opens a big Vatican meeting on the church’s future

- By Nicole Winfield

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis said the Catholic Church needed to be rebuilt to make it a place of welcome for “everyone, everyone, everyone,” as he opened a divisive meeting on the future of the church that has sparked hope among progressiv­es and alarm among conservati­ves.

Pope Francis presided over a solemn Mass in St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday to formally open the meeting. But he warned both camps in the church’s culture wars to put their “human strategies, political calculatio­ns or ideologica­l battles” aside and let the Holy Spirit guide debate.

“We’re not here to create a parliament, but to walk together with the gaze of Jesus,” he said.

Rarely in recent times has a Vatican gathering generated as much hope, hype and fear as this threeweek, closed-door meeting, known as a synod. It won’t make any binding decisions and is only the first session of a two-year process. But it neverthele­ss has drawn an acute battle line in the church’s perennial left-right divide and marks a defining moment for Pope Francis and his reform agenda.

On the table are calls to take concrete steps to elevate more women to decision-making roles in the church, including as deacons, and for ordinary Catholic faithful to have more of a say in church governance.

Also under considerat­ion are ways to better welcome of LGBTQ+ Catholics and others who have been marginaliz­ed by the church, and for new accountabi­lity measures to check how bishops exercise their authority to prevent abuses.

Even before it started, the gathering was historic because Pope Francis decided to let women and laypeople vote alongside bishops in any final document produced. While fewer than a quarter of the 365 voting members are non-bishops, the reform is a radical shift away from a hierarchy-focused Synod of Bishops and evidence of Pope Francis’ belief that the church is more about its flock than its shepherds.

The opening Mass and seating arrangemen­ts made that clear: The lay participan­ts led off the procession­al into St. Peter’s Square, followed by the vested clerics, suggesting their primacy of place. Inside the synod auditorium, laypeople sat at round tables alongside cardinals and bishops, rather than in the upper back row of the Vatican’s audience hall as in previous synods.

“It’s a watershed moment,” said JoAnn Lopez, an Indian-born lay minister who helped organize two years of consultati­ons prior to the meeting at parishes where she has worked in Seattle and Toronto.

“This is the first time that women have a very qualitativ­ely different voice at the table, and the opportunit­y to vote in decision-making is huge,” she said.

In his homily, Pope Francis recalled that his namesake St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast day is celebrated Wednesday, also faced divisions and tensions in his lifetime and responded with prayer, charity, humility and unity when he was told: “Go and rebuild my church.”

“Let us do the same!” Pope Francis said. “And if God’s holy people with their shepherds from all over the world have expectatio­ns, hopes and even some fears about the synod we are beginning, let us continue to remember that it is not a political gathering, but a convocatio­n in the spirit; not a polarized parliament, but a place of grace and communion.”

He repeated that theme during the first working session of the synod and laid out the ground rules for participan­ts, confirming a media blackout of the meeting. Francis called for a “fasting of the public word” to allow for free debate without the glare or pressures of media coverage.

“More than speaking, the priority is listening,” he said.

Women have long complained they are treated as second-class citizens in the church, barred from the priesthood and highest ranks of power yet responsibl­e for the lion’s share of church work — teaching in Catholic schools, running Catholic hospitals and passing the faith down to next generation­s.

They have long demanded a greater say in church governance, at the very least with voting rights at the periodic synods but also the right to preach at Mass and be ordained as priests or deacons. Before the opening Mass got under way, advocates for women priests unfurled a giant purple banner at a piazza nearby reading “Ordain Women.”

Ms. Lopez, 34, and other women are particular­ly excited about the potential that the synod might in some way endorse allowing women to be ordained as deacons, a ministry that is currently limited to men. The issue is on the agenda, and delegation from Ms. Lopez’ group, Discerning Deacons, was in Rome for sideline events.

For years, supporters of female deacons have argued that women in the early church served as deacons and that restoring the ministry would both serve the church and recognize the gifts that women bring to it.

Pope Francis has convened two study commission­s to research the issue and was asked to consider it at a previous synod on the Amazon, but he has so far refused to make any change.

 ?? The Vatican. Andrew Medichini/Associated Press ?? Pope Francis presides over a Mass concelebra­ted by new cardinals for the start of the XVI General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on Wednesday in St. Peter's Square at
The Vatican. Andrew Medichini/Associated Press Pope Francis presides over a Mass concelebra­ted by new cardinals for the start of the XVI General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on Wednesday in St. Peter's Square at

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