Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Former prime minister wins Finnish presidency

Narrowly defeats ex-top diplomat

- By Jari Tanner

HELSINKI — Former Prime Minister Alexander Stubb won Finland’s election runoff Sunday against ex-Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto in a close race for the presidency and the task of steering the Nordic country’s foreign and security policy now that it is a member of NATO, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

With all votes counted, center-right candidate Mr. Stubb of the National Coalition Party had 51.6% of the votes, while independen­t candidate Mr. Haavisto from the green left got 48.4% of the votes.

The 55-year-old Mr. Stubb, who was prime minister in 2014-2015 and started his political career as a lawmaker at the European Parliament in 2004, will become the 13th president of Finland since the Nordic country’s independen­ce from the Russian empire in 1917.

Mr. Haavisto conceded defeat after a projection by the

Finnish public broadcaste­r YLE showing a win for Mr. Stubb was released Sunday night. He shook Mr. Stubb’s hand and congratula­ted him at Helsinki City Hall, where the candidates and the media were watching the results come in.

The months’ long election campaign was polite and non-confrontat­ional in line with consensus-driven Finnish politics with no belowthe-belt attacks from any of the candidates — something that Mr. Stubb noted in his speech to Mr. Haavisto.

“This has been a fair, great race,” Mr. Stubb told

Mr. Haavisto after the result was clear. “I’m proud that I have been able to run with you in these elections. Thanks for a good race.”

Mr. Stubb and Mr. Haavisto, 65, were the main contenders in the election where over 4-million eligible voters picked a successor to hugely popular President Sauli Niinistö, whose second six-year term expires in March. He wasn’t eligible for re-election.

Sunday’s runoff was required because none of the original nine candidates got more than half of the votes in Jan. 28 first round. Mr. Stubb emerged at the top with 27.3%, with Mr. Haavisto the runner- up on 25.8%.

Several polls indicated Mr. Stubb, who has also served as Finland’s foreign, finance and European affairs minister, was the favorite to win the presidency.

Initial voter turnout was 70.7%, markedly lower than during the first voting round when it was 75%.

Unlike in most European

countries, the president of Finland holds executive power in formulatin­g foreign and security policy together with the government, especially concerning countries outside the European Union such as the United States, Russia and China.

During the election campaign, Mr. Stubb and Mr. Haavisto largely agreed on Finland’s foreign policy and security priorities. These include maintainin­g a hard line toward Moscow and Russia’s current leadership, strengthen­ing security ties with Washington, and the need to help Ukraine both militarily and at a civilian level. Finland shares a 832-mile border with Russia.

The head of state also commands the military — particular­ly important in Europe’s current security environmen­t and the changed geopolitic­al situation of Finland, which joined NATO in April 2023 in the aftermath of Russia’s attack on Ukraine a year earlier.

Ukraine’ President Voldymyr Zelenskyy was among the first foreign dignitarie­s to send “sincere congratula­tions” to Mr. Stubb, a staunch supporter of Kyiv, on his win.

Mr. Zelenskyy said in message on X that “Ukraine and Finland, in solidarity with other partners, are strengthen­ing the security of the entire Europe and each nation on our continent. I look forward to advancing our relations and our shared vision of a free, united, and well-defended Europe.”

The Finnish president is expected to remain above the fray of day-to-day politics and largely to stay out of domestic political disputes.

Mr. Haavisto was Mr. Finland’s top diplomat in 2019-2023 and the main negotiator of its entry into NATO. A former conflict mediator with the United Nations and a passionate environmen­talist, this was his third bid for the presidency.

 ?? Sergei Grits/Associated Press ?? National Coalition Party candidate Alexander Stubb, left, and Social Movement candidate Pekka Haavisto attend a Presidenti­al election event Sunday at the Helsinki City Hall, in Helsinki, Finland. Mr. Stubb won a close race for the presidency and the task of steering the Nordic country’s foreign and security policy now that it is a member of NATO.
Sergei Grits/Associated Press National Coalition Party candidate Alexander Stubb, left, and Social Movement candidate Pekka Haavisto attend a Presidenti­al election event Sunday at the Helsinki City Hall, in Helsinki, Finland. Mr. Stubb won a close race for the presidency and the task of steering the Nordic country’s foreign and security policy now that it is a member of NATO.

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