Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Once, presidenti­al candidates didn’t campaign

- Zachary B. Wolf is a senior writer for CNN Politics. The interview was conducted by email. It has been slightly shortened here.

It’s hard to believe that early American presidents did no personal campaignin­g whatsoever. They thought it was beneath them and the office they held. I talked to Brendan Doherty, a professor of political science at the United States Naval Academy and author of “The Rise of the President’s Permanent Campaign,” why didn’t early presidents personally campaign?

Doherty: It was seen as unseemly to seek the office to which they hoped to be elected. But that didn’t stop them from finding other ways of communicat­ing with voters. While early presidenti­al candidates didn’t actively campaign, their supporters got the word out on their behalf.

Newspapers were openly partisan in the early republic, and many of their articles openly praised or criticized various candidates. Supporters made the case for their preferred candidates in ways that drove news coverage.

In the late 1800s, some presidenti­al candidates mounted what were called “front porch campaigns.” They would speak to supporters at or near their homes, and newspapers would cover these speeches and spread their messages across the country.

How did we get here? Wolf:

What are some key moments in the rise of the current model of campaignin­g?

Doherty: In 1866, President Andrew Johnson broke from precedent and actively campaigned in the midterm elections. His travel to give a series of speeches was called the Swing around the Circle, and he was criticized both for actively campaignin­g and for using inflammato­ry rhetoric while doing so.

In 1896, Democratic nominee William Jennings Bryan actively campaigned across the country, while the eventual winner, Republican William McKinley, conducted a front porch campaign. In 1948, Harry Truman actively campaigned across the country, giving speeches from the back of a train in what became known as his whistlesto­p campaign.

Wolf: Who was, in your view, the best natural campaigner who ran for president? What did they do differentl­y?

Doherty: Two who come to mind are John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.

Kennedy was widely seen as charming and eloquent on the stump. Reagan channeled his years of performanc­e as an actor and his sense of humor to campaign effectivel­y for the presidency. His voice, his timing, and his telling of stories and jokes to connect with his audiences won him much praise.

When questioner­s implied that being an actor wasn’t adequate preparatio­n to be president, Reagan would respond that he didn’t know how someone could be an effective president who hadn’t been an actor.

Wolf: Is active campaignin­g — holding rallies and flying from stop to stop — effective in a country of more than 335 million people? A candidate can only shake so many hands. Plus, most people already lean toward one party or the other.

Doherty: Their campaignin­g can drive news coverage, which has a multiplier effect when it comes to getting their message out. Political science studies have shown that local news coverage is often more favorable to presidents and presidenti­al candidates than national news coverage is, so candidates campaign in part so that local media outlets will amplify their campaign messages.

While it’s increasing­ly difficult for candidates to grab and hold the public’s attention given our increasing­ly fragmented media landscape, that certainly doesn’t stop presidenti­al hopefuls from trying.

Campaign first, governing second

Wolf: I suppose the inverse of candidates who don’t campaign is our current system, in which they only briefly stop campaignin­g to govern.

Doherty: While presidents used to try not to appear to be overly focused on campaignin­g too early in their term in office, that’s no longer the case.

In the summer of his third year in office, Ronald Reagan refused to tell an interviewe­r whether or not he would run for another term because he said that he didn’t want everything he did as president to be seen through a political lens.

In contrast, Donald Trump filed paperwork establishi­ng his reelection campaign committee on the day in 2017 when he was inaugurate­d as president, and he held his first reelection fundraiser less than six months later, in June of his first year in office.

When presidents begin their explicit campaignin­g earlier and earlier in their term in office, they are responding to the incentives of our electoral system. But time is the president’s scarcest resource, and time spent campaignin­g is time not spent doing the important job to which he, and someday she, was elected.

For better or worse, there are no readily apparent realistic fixes that could stop are election focused president from campaignin­g for reelection throughout hist ermin office.

Next, micro-targeting Wolf:

Where do you see campaign methods heading next?

Doherty: Advances in campaigns’ ability to micro-target voters in key states with messages designed to appeal to issues they care about, have led campaigns to shift away from broadcasti­ng appeals in favor of narrow, targeted outreach to potentiall­y persuadabl­e voters.

I expect that this micro-targeting will become ever more precise, allowing campaigns to tailor increasing­ly specific messages to the voters they are trying to reach.

 ?? Carol Powers/The Washington Times ?? Ronald Reagan
Carol Powers/The Washington Times Ronald Reagan

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