Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

America’s only way to defeat evil abroad

- John E. Rielly and Richard Babcock John E. Rielly is emeritus president of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and author of the forthcomin­g memoir “My Foreign Affairs.” Richard Babcock, former editor of Chicago magazine, is a novelist.

The document that largely defined American foreign policy through the Cold War years was written anonymousl­y by a prickly and melancholi­c Midwestern­er who spent much of the rest of his life disavowing the repercussi­ons of his work.

George F. Kennan, a State Department expert on Soviet Russia, signed his article in the July 1947 issue of Foreign Affairs “X” because of his government role. The article famously called for the “containmen­t” of Soviet expansion.

The containmen­t principle

Kennan urged the United States and the West to “confront the Russians with unalterabl­e counterfor­ce at every point where they show signs of encroachin­g upon the interests of a peaceful and stable world.”

The containmen­t principle, as subsequent­ly interprete­d, produced strategies and actions ranging from the Marshall Plan to the covert activities of the CIA to the disastrous Vietnam War. At the same time, containmen­t put unrelentin­g pressure on the Soviet Union and arguably led eventually to the internal collapse of the clumsy and ossified Soviet government — an outcome Kennan predicted.

Almost immediatel­y after publicatio­n of the article, Kennan realized that his prescripti­on lacked specificit­y. He’d meant to suggest that the spearhead of containmen­t should be political and economic, not military, and that the concern with Soviet expansion should focus on Europe, not the entire world.

When his successor at the State Department, Paul Nitze, globalized containmen­t in National Security Council Paper No. 68 and provided a rationale for the Truman Doctrine — which promised an American response to any communist threat — Kennan loudly protested in vain. For decades he inveighed against the misuse of containmen­t, notoriousl­y during the Vietnam War.

With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, talk of containmen­t has resurfaced.

One school of thought argues that this latest manifestat­ion of Russian expansioni­st desires must be fiercely opposed. Another, drawing on comments made by Kennan himself, suggests that the expansion of NATO led to the invasion by provoking Russia’s historic paranoia about its borders.

Containmen­t isn’t enough

But Kennan, who died in 2005, recognized that containmen­t alone isn’t enough. At the conclusion of the X article, Kennan turns his attention from the character of the Soviet Union to the character of the United States and makes an entirely different point — one that’s often overlooked and that remains profoundly relevant.

To be an architect of peace and stability around the globe, Kennan wrote, America must “create among the peoples of the world generally the impression of a country which knows what it wants, which is coping successful­ly with the problems of its internal life and with the responsibi­lities of a World Power, and which has a spiritual vitality capable of holding its own among the major ideologica­l currents of the time.”

With those words, Kennan could be speaking to all Americans today. We would do well to listen.

As historian John Lewis Gaddis makes clear in his acclaimed Kennan biography, his subject was a curious mixture. Kennan was a lonely child whose mother died shortly after his birth, a difficult colleague and frustrated diplomat, an elitist more at home in another century and a pessimist at heart.

He abhorred the messianism ascribed to President Woodrow Wilson that dominated American foreign policy for several decades after World War I. As much as Kennan despised the Stalinist regime, he loved the Russian people, and he astutely analyzed that the communist government held “within it the seeds of its own decay.”

In the X article, he warned against letting similar seeds take root in American soil. He’d witnessed how “exhibition­s of indecision, disunity and internal disintegra­tion” in the United States produced a “new jauntiness” in “the Moscow tread.”

Today, America’s enemies around the globe are no doubt treading with the same jauntiness as the country fractures into factions and is immobilize­d by polarizati­on.

Kennan’s simple advice to his native land was to “measure up to its own best traditions.” The specter of nuclear annihilati­on loomed only dimly in his thoughts, but he recognized that competitio­n with Soviet totalitari­anism held immeasurab­le risks.

A test of America

Still, he looked at the Soviet menace as a “test of the overall worth of the United States as a nation among nations.” Providence, he wrote, had provided “the American people with this implacable challenge, has made their entire security as a nation dependent on their pulling themselves together and accepting the responsibi­lities of moral and political leadership that history plainly intended them to bear.”

Seventy-seven years after Kennan wrote those words, they have never been more on the mark.

 ?? Kirill Kudryavtse­v/AFP/Getty Images ?? Russian servicemen march at Red Square during the Victory Day military parade in Moscow on May 9, 2017.
Kirill Kudryavtse­v/AFP/Getty Images Russian servicemen march at Red Square during the Victory Day military parade in Moscow on May 9, 2017.

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