Poets and Writers

Nonfiction: Meet at the Intersecti­on


“I live in and think about cities a lot. When I think about intersecti­onality, I always see a literal intersecti­on,” Rebecca Solnit said in a recent interview in the Nation. “Let’s hang out on the corner. Let’s meet at the intersecti­on.” Intersecti­onality describes the interconne­ctedness of social categories, which may overlap to create systems of advantage and disadvanta­ge. Jot down some notes on two or more social identities with which you identify, perhaps related to race, class, gender, religion, or age. Envision these categories meeting at a literal intersecti­on or city street corner. Write a personal essay inspired by this image. Consider each category and how those categories interact and build on one another when they meet. Draw on memories and experience­s you’ve had that exemplify or magnify your reality within these identities.

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