Poets and Writers

The Time Is Now

Writing prompts and exercises.


“Someone was always, always here, / then suddenly disappeare­d / and stubbornly stays disappeare­d,” writes Wisława Szymborska in “Cat in an Empty


Apartment,” translated from the Polish by Stanisław and Clare Cavanagh. Although we often think of inspiratio­n in terms of an overheard fragment, a fleeting sentiment, a glimpsed object, a visit from a muse—the presence of some thing—many poets have found inspiratio­n and emotional resonance in emptiness. “Implodes, and all the way to nothing. / To illumine, first, then fades to black. / Hole where light was. / Absent star, perforatio­n in there,” writes Valerie Martínez in the title poem of Absence, Luminescen­t (Four Way Books, 1999). Diana Khoi Nguyen’s poems in Ghost Of (Omnidawn, 2018) delve into absence by presenting family photograph­s from which her brother had cut himself out before his death, followed by concrete verse that takes the shape of the excised silhouette or rectangula­r blocks of text that fill the shape of the negative space. Write a poem that takes inspiratio­n from an absence or emptiness of a person, place, or feeling.

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