Poets and Writers

Arts & Letters


Karen Harryman of Los Angeles won the Arts & Letters Rumi Prize in poetry for “Making,” “November,” and “Theory.” Lones Seiber of Morristown, Tennessee, won the Arts & Letters Prize in fiction for “Flight.” Carol Keeley of Boulder, Colorado, won the Susan Atefat Prize in Creative Nonfiction for “Demon Feeding.” They each received $1,000, and their winning works were published in the Fall 2019 issue of Arts & Letters. GennaRose Nethercott judged in poetry, Peter Nichols judged in fiction, and Pam Houston judged in creative nonfiction. The annual awards are given for a group of poems, a short story, and an essay. (SEE DEADLINES.)

Arts & Letters, Arts & Letters Prizes, Georgia College, Campus Box 89, Milledgevi­lle, GA 31061. (478) 445-1289. Laura Newbern, Editor.


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