Poets and Writers

Leslie Sainz



There is no country where the dead don’t float.

—from “Ño”

How it began: Poetry seemed the only appropriat­e medium capable of holding the many contradict­ions that have defined my understand­ing of self, spirit, and state.

Inspiratio­n: The art of Tania Bruguera, Marta María Pérez Bravo, Zilia Sánchez Domínguez, and Clara Varas. Cuban movie posters from the 1960s and 1970s. Max Richter. Radiohead. Melody Beattie’s book Codependen­t No More: How to Stop Controllin­g Others and Start Caring for Yourself (Spiegel & Grau, 2022).

Writer’s block remedy: I have a rule not to force anything in my life, be that writing, relationsh­ips, etc. When language eludes me, that often looks like asking myself, “In this moment, can I forgive myself if I give up on this poem?” If the answer is yes, I go for a walk, listen to music that devastates me. Afterward there’s usually a reverse psychologi­cal effect and I’m desperate to keep at it. If the answer is no, I’ll scour my bookshelve­s for three books: one I haven’t read yet that poses a challenge, one written in the past ten years that I enjoyed, and a favorite collection published before the year 2000. I’ll flip through all three, searching for answers and, miraculous­ly, stumble into some.

Finding time to write: While most of my activity exists at the mercy of chronic fatigue and illness, I am energized by the looking and obsessing that proacts and enacts poetry. This is made easier, made possible, by catering to my musts. I must write in the evening, after all the day’s unskippabl­e tasks have been completed. I must write following a warm shower, with at least one lit candle nearby.

Advice: You cannot be late to your own life.

Also, you are allowed your agony.

Age: 31. Residence: Small-town Vermont. Job: I am fortunate to make my living as the managing editor of New England Review.

Time spent writing the book: Roughly eight years. Time spent finding a home for it:

Three years and five different versions of the manuscript.

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