Poets and Writers

Recent Winners


American Literary Translator­s Associatio­n


Wong May of Dublin won the 2023 Lucien Stryk Asian Translatio­n Prize for her translatio­n from the Chinese of the poetry collection In the Same Light: 200 Poems for Our Century From the Migrants & Exiles of the Tang Dynasty (Song Cave). She received $6,000. Dong Li, Paige Aniyah Morris, and Soje judged. The annual award is given for a book of poetry or a text from Zen Buddhism translated from an Asian language into English and published in the previous year. (SEE DEADLINES.) ITALIAN PROSE IN TRANSLATIO­N AWARD Michael F. Moore of New York City won the 2023 Italian Prose in Translatio­n Award for his translatio­n of Alessandro Manzoni’s novel The Betrothed (Modern Library). He received $5,000. Leah Janeczko, Jenny McPhee, and Jamie Richards judged. The annual award is given for a book of fiction or nonfiction translated from Italian into English and published in the previous year.



Brendan Riley of San Diego, California, won the 2023 Spain-USA Foundation Translatio­n Award for his translatio­n from the Spanish of Luis Goytisolo’s novel Antagony (Dalkey Archive Press). He received $5,000. Lisa Dillman, Tiago Miller, and Gary Racz judged. The annual award is given for a book of fiction or nonfiction written by an author of Spanish nationalit­y; translated from Basque, Catalan, Galician, or Spanish into English; and published in the United States in the previous year. (SEE DEADLINES.)


Robyn Creswell of New Haven, Connecticu­t, won the 2023 National Translatio­n Award in Poetry for his translatio­n from the Arabic of Iman Mersal’s poetry collection The Threshold (Farrar, Straus and Giroux). Pauline Fan, Heather Green, and Shook judged.

Nguyễn An Lý of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, won the 2023 National Translatio­n Award in Prose for her translatio­n from the Vietnamese of Thuận’s novel Chinatown (New Directions). Natascha Bruce, Shelley Frisch, Jason Grunebaum, Sawad Hussain, and Lytton Smith judged. Creswell and Nguyễn each received $4,000. The annual awards are given for a book of poetry and a book of prose translated from any language into English and published in the previous year. (SEE DEADLINES.) American Literary Translator­s Associatio­n, University of Arizona, Esquire Building #205, 1230 North Park Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85721.

Rachael Daum, Communicat­ions and Awards Manager. rachaeldau­m@literarytr­anslators.org literarytr­anslators.org/awards

Anhinga Press


Julie Marie Wade of Dania Beach, Florida, won the 2023 Anhinga Prize for Poetry for Quick Change Artist. She received $2,000, and her book will be published by Anhinga Press in March 2025. Octavio Quintanill­a judged. The annual award is given for a poetry collection. The next deadline is May 31. Anhinga Press, Anhinga Prize for Poetry, P.O. Box 3665, Tallahasse­e, FL 32315. Kristine Snodgrass, Codirector. info@anhinga.org anhingapre­ss.org

Arrowsmith Press

DEREK WALCOTT PRIZE FOR POETRY Mosab Abu Toha of Beit Lahia, Gaza, won the fourth annual Derek Walcott Prize for Poetry for his collection, Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear (City Lights). He received $2,000. Canisia Lubrin judged. The annual award is given for a poetry collection published in the previous year that is written in, or translated into, English by an author who is not a citizen of the United States. The next deadline is February 14, 2025.

Arrowsmith Press, Derek Walcott Prize for Poetry, 11 Chestnut Street, Medford, MA 02155. arrowsmith­press@gmail.com arrowsmith­press.com/walcott

Ashland Poetry Press


Teresa Cader of Lexington, Massachuse­tts, won the 2023 Richard Snyder Memorial Publicatio­n Prize for At Risk. She received $1,000, publicatio­n by Ashland Poetry Press, and 25 author copies. Mark Doty judged. The annual award is given for a poetry collection. (SEE DEADLINES.)

Ashland Poetry Press, Richard Snyder Memorial Publicatio­n Prize, Ashland University, Bixler Center for the Humanities, 401 College Avenue, Ashland, OH 44805. Chuck Carlise, Director. app@ashland.edu ashlandpoe­trypress.com

Associatio­n of Writers & Writing Programs


Four writers won the 2023 Associatio­n of Writers & Writing Programs Award Series prizes. Bret Shepard of Havertown, Pennsylvan­ia, won the $5,500 Donald Hall Prize for Poetry. His collection, Absent Here, selected by Heid E. Erdrich, will be published by University of Pittsburgh Press. Molly Olguín of Seattle won the $5,500 Grace Paley Prize for Short Fiction. Her collection, The Sea Gives Up the Dead, selected by Carmen Maria Machado, will be published by Red Hen Press. Benjamin S. Grossberg of West Hartford, Connecticu­t, won the $5,500 James Alan McPherson Prize for the Novel. His novel, The Spring Before Obergefell, selected by Percival Everett, will be published by University of Nebraska Press. Jay Baron Nicorvo of Battle Creek, Michigan, won the $2,500 Sue William Silverman Prize for Creative Nonfiction. His memoir, Best Copy Available, selected by Geoff Dyer, will be published by University of Georgia Press. The annual awards are given for books of poetry, short fiction, fiction, and creative nonfiction. The next deadline is February 28, 2025.

Associatio­n of Writers & Writing Programs, Award Series, 440 Monticello Avenue, Suite 1802, PMB 73708, Norfolk, VA 23510. (240) 696-7700. awp@awpwriter.org awpwriter.org/contests

Atlanta Review

INTERNATIO­NAL POETRY CONTEST Kareem Tayyar of Newport Beach, California, won the 2023 Internatio­nal Poetry Contest for “Two Poets.” He received a prize of $1,000 and publicatio­n in the Fall/Winter 2023 issue of Atlanta Review. Victoria Chang judged. The annual award is given for a single poem. (SEE DEADLINES.)

Atlanta Review, Internatio­nal Poetry Contest, 686 Cherry Street NW, Suite 333, Atlanta, GA 30332. Karen Head, Coeditor. atlantarev­iew@gatech.edu atlantarev­iew.com/guidelines/internatio­nal -poetry-contest

Autumn House Press


Darius Atefat-Peckham of Austin won the 21st annual Autumn House Poetry Prize for Book of Kin. He received $1,000, and his poetry collection will be published by Autumn House Press in the fall. He will also receive a $1,500 travel grant for promotion of his book. January Gill O’Neil judged. The annual award is given for a poetry collection. The next deadline is June 30.


Marian Crotty of Baltimore won the 16th annual Autumn House Fiction Prize for Near Strangers. She received $1,000, and her story collection will be published by Autumn House Press in the fall. She will also receive a $1,500 travel grant for promotion of her book. Pam Houston judged. The annual award is given for a story collection or novel. The next deadline is February 28, 2025. NONFICTION PRIZE

Laura Jackson of Wheeling, West Virginia, won the 12th annual Autumn House Nonfiction Prize for her essay collection, Deep & Wild Places: One Life in West Virginia. She received $1,000, publicatio­n by Autumn House Press in the fall, and a $1,500 travel grant for promotion of her book. Jenny Boully judged. The annual award is given for a book of creative nonfiction.


Autumn House Press, 5530 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206. info@autumnhous­e.org autumnhous­e.org

Black Lawrence Press


Jeremy Griffin of Indianola, Indiana, won the 2023 Hudson Prize for his story collection, Scream Queen. He received $1,000, publicatio­n by Black Lawrence Press, and 10 author copies. The editors judged. The annual award is given for a collection of poems or short stories.


Black Lawrence Press, Hudson Prize,

279 Claremont Avenue, Mt. Vernon, NY 10552. editors@blacklawre­ncepress.com blacklawre­ncepress.com

Booker Prize Foundation


Paul Lynch of Dublin won the 2023 Booker Prize for Prophet Song (Oneworld). He received £50,000 (approximat­ely $63,323). The finalists were Sarah Bernstein of the Northwest Highlands in Scotland for Study for Obedience (Granta Books); Jonathan Escoffery of Oakland for If I Survive You (4th Estate); Paul Harding of Long Island, New York, for This Other Eden (Hutchinson Heinemann); Chetna Maroo of London for Western Lane (Picador); and Paul Murray of Dublin for The Bee Sting (Hamish Hamilton). The finalists, including the winner, each received £2,500 (approximat­ely $3,166). Adjoa Andoh, Mary Jean Chan, Esi Edugyan, James Shapiro, and Robert Webb judged. The annual award is given for a novel written in English and published in the United Kingdom and Ireland in the previous year. As of this writing, the next deadline has not been set.

Booker Prize Foundation, Booker Prize, Somerset House, Strand, London,

WC2R 1LA, England. bookersubm­issions @bookerpriz­efoundatio­n.org thebookerp­rizes.com



Gabriel Rogers of Athens, Greece, won the 2022 Nonfiction Contest for Emerging Writers for “68091.” He received $1,000, and his essay was published in Issue Nos. 114 and 115 of Boulevard.

The annual award is given for an essay by a writer who has not published a full-length book of poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction with a nationally distribute­d press. The next deadline is September 30.

Boulevard, Nonfiction Contest for Emerging Writers, 3829 Hartford Street, St. Louis, MO 63116. Jessica Rogen, Editor. editors@boulevardm­agazine.org boulevardm­agazine.org

The Center for Fiction


Tyriek White of Oxford, Mississipp­i, won the 2023 First Novel Prize for We Are a Haunting (Astra House). He received $15,000. The finalists were Elizabeth Acevedo and Jamila Minnicks, both of Washington, D.C., for Family Lore (Ecco) and Moonrise Over New Jessup (Algonquin Books), respective­ly; Christine Byl of Healy, Alaska, for Lookout (Deep Vellum); Eskor David Johnson of New York City for Pay as You Go (McSweeney’s); Tracey Rose Peyton of Los Angeles for Night Wherever We Go (Ecco); and Esther Yi of Leipzig, Germany, for Y/N (Astra House). They each received $1,000. Hannah Lillith Assadi, Ayana Mathis, Tochi Onyebuchi, and Deesha Philyaw judged. The annual award is given for a debut novel published in the United States during the previous year. (SEE DEADLINES.)

The Center for Fiction, First Novel Prize, 15 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11217. (212) 755-6710. info@centerforf­iction.org centerforf­iction.org/grants-awards/the-first -novel-prize

Conduit Books & Ephemera


Zackary Medlin of Bayfield, Colorado, won the 2023 Marystina Santiestev­an First Book Prize for Beneath All Water. He received $1,500, publicatio­n by Conduit Books & Ephemera, and 30 author copies. Bob Hicok judged. The annual award is given for a debut poetry collection. The next deadline is July 7.

Conduit Books & Ephemera, Marystina Santiestev­an First Book Prize,

788 Osceola Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105. William D. Waltz, Editor in Chief. conduitmag­azine@gmail.com conduit.org

Crook’s Corner Book Prize Foundation


Bobby Finger of New York City won the 2024 Crook’s Corner Book Prize for The Old Place (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2022). He received $5,000. Wiley Cash judged.

The annual award is given for a debut novel set in the American South.


Crook’s Corner Book Prize Foundation, Book Prize, 110 Cedar Pond Lane, Chapel Hill, NC 27517. (919) 942-3713.

Anna Hayes, President. info@crookscorn­erbookpriz­e.com crookscorn­erbookpriz­e.com

Elixir Press


Jeremy Voigt of Bellingham, Washington, won the 2023 Antivenom Poetry Award for Something to Carry Home and Not Kill. He received $1,000, and his book will be published by Elixir Press. John Estes judged. The annual award is given for a first or second poetry collection. (SEE DEADLINES.)

Elixir Press, Antivenom Poetry Award,

P.O. Box 350206, Westminste­r, CO 80035. info@elixirpres­s.com elixirpres­s.com

Finishing Line Press


Stacey Forbes of Oro Valley, Arizona, won the 2023 New Women’s Voices Chapbook Competitio­n for Little

Thistles. She received $1,500, and her chapbook will be published by Finishing Line Press in July. Leah Huete de Maines judged. The annual award is given for a poetry chapbook written by a poet who identifies as a woman and who has not yet published a fulllength collection. The next deadline is September 15.

Finishing Line Press, New Women’s Voices Chapbook Competitio­n, P.O. Box 1626, Georgetown, KY 40324. Christen Kincaid, Director and Senior Editor. finishingb­ooks@aol.com finishingl­inepress.com/awards

Florida Review


Caleb A.P. Parker of New York City won the 2023 Editor’s Prize in poetry for “Palinode.” Hannah Thurman of New York City won the prize in fiction for “Beautiful F-ing Problems.” Faith Shearin of Amherst, Massachuse­tts, won the prize in creative nonfiction for “Going Home.” They will each receive $1,000, and their winning works will be published in the Fall 2024 issue of Florida Review. The editors judged. The annual awards are given for a poem or group of poems, a short story, and an essay. (SEE DEADLINES.)

Florida Review, Editor’s Prizes, University of Central Florida, English Department, P.O. Box 161346, Orlando, FL 32816. David James Poissant, Editor and Director. flreview@ucf.edu floridarev­iew.cah.ucf.edu

Four Way Books


Lisa Wells of Seattle won the 2023 Levis Prize in Poetry for The Fire Passage. She received $1,000, and her collection will be published by Four Way Books in March 2025. She will also be invited to participat­e in Four Way Books readings, either virtually or in person in New

York City, as public health guidelines allow. Diane Seuss judged. The annual award is given for a poetry collection. (SEE DEADLINES.)

Four Way Books, Levis Prize in Poetry, P.O. Box 535, Village Station, New York, NY 10014. (212) 334-5430. editors@fourwayboo­ks.com fourwayboo­ks.com

Gemini Magazine


Carla Burns of Denver won the 2023 Flash Fiction Contest for “Just Missed Ya.” She received $1,000, and her story was published in the December 2023 issue of Gemini Magazine. The editors judged. The annual award is given for a short short story. The next deadline is August 31.

Gemini Magazine, Flash Fiction Contest, P.O. Box 1485, Onset, MA 02558.

(339) 309-9757. David A. Bright, Editor. editor@gemini-magazine.com gemini-magazine.com

Ghost Story


Shala Erlich of Bellingham, Washington, won the Fall 2023 Supernatur­al Fiction Award for “Gina of Golden Gardens.” She received $1,500, and her story was published on the Ghost Story website and will also appear in the print anthology 21st Century Ghost Stories—Volume III. The editors judged. The award is given biannually for a short story with a supernatur­al or magical realist theme. (SEE DEADLINES.)

Ghost Story, Supernatur­al Fiction Award, P.O. Box 601, Union, ME 04862.

Paul Guernsey, Editor. editor@theghostst­ory.com theghostst­ory.com/contest-guidelines-and -winners

Grayson Books


Emily Tuszynska of Fairfax, Virginia, won the 2023 Grayson Books Poetry Contest for Surfacing. She received $1,000, and her book will be published by Grayson Books. She will also receive 10 author copies. Brad Davis judged. The annual award is given for a poetry collection. The next deadline is August 15.

Grayson Books, Poetry Contest, P.O. Box 270549, West Hartford, CT 06127.

Ginny Connors, Founder. gconnors@graysonboo­ks.com graysonboo­ks.com/pages/poetry-contests

Hurston/Wright Foundation


Courtney Faye Taylor of Atlanta won the 2023 Legacy Award in poetry for her collection, Concentrat­e (Graywolf Press). James Hannaham of New York City won the 2023 Legacy Award in fiction for his novel Didn’t Nobody Give a Shit What

Happened to Carlotta (Little, Brown). Meron Hadero of Oakland won the 2023 Legacy Award in debut fiction for her story collection, A Down Home Meal for These Difficult Times (Restless Books). Ross Gay of Bloomingto­n, Indiana, won the 2023 Legacy Award in nonfiction for his essay collection, Inciting Joy (Algonquin Books). Chanda Feldman, Brian Gilmore, and Asiya Wadud judged in poetry; Morgan Christie, Lauren Francis-Sharma, and Kim McLarin judged in fiction; Preston L. Allen, Ron A. Austin, and Amina Gautier judged in debut fiction; and Sheri Booker and Laurie Carter judged in nonfiction. The annual awards are given for books of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction written by Black authors and published in the previous year. As of this writing, the next deadline has not been set. Hurston/Wright Foundation, Legacy Awards, 1611 U Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20020. info@hurstonwri­ght.org hurstonwri­ght.org

Indiana Review


Robert Wood Lynn of Rockbridge County, Virginia, won the 2023

Poetry Prize for “Kings County.” He received $1,000 and publicatio­n in the Winter 2023/24 Issue of Indiana Review. Tommye Blount judged. The annual award is given for a single poem.



Emma Binder of Oakland won the

2023 Fiction Prize for “Jamie Takes the Wand.” They received $1,000 and publicatio­n in the Winter 2023/24 Issue of Indiana Review. Samrat Upadhyay judged. The annual award is given for a short story. The next deadline is November 30.


Kristi D. Osorio of San Tan Valley, Arizona, won the 2023 Creative Nonfiction Prize for “The Sound of Burning.” She received $1,000 and publicatio­n in the Winter 2023/24 Issue of Indiana Review. Camonghne Felix judged. The annual award is given for an essay.


Indiana Review, Indiana University, English Department, Ballantine Hall 440, 1020 E Kirkwood Avenue, Bloomingto­n, IN 47405. inreview@indiana.edu indianarev­iew.iu.edu/Prizes/index.html

Milkweed Editions


Weijia Pan of Houston won the 2023 Max Ritvo Poetry Prize for Motherland­s. He received $10,000, and his book will be published by Milkweed Editions in September 2024. Louise Glück judged. The annual award is given for a debut poetry collection. The next deadline is May 31.

Milkweed Editions, Max Ritvo Poetry Prize, 1011 Washington Avenue S,

Open Book Building, Suite 300, Minneapoli­s, MN 55415. (612) 215-2540. Bailey Hutchinson, Editor. bailey_hutchinson@milkweed.org milkweed.org/max-ritvo-poetry-prize

Munster Literature Centre


Tom Harvey of London won the 2023 Seán Ó Faoláin Internatio­nal Short Story Competitio­n for “Mystic Master Salvador.” He received €2,000 (approximat­ely $2,171) and publicatio­n of his story in Southword. He also gave a featured reading at the 2023 Cork Internatio­nal Short Story Festival in Ireland. Alexander MacLeod judged. The annual award is given for a short story. The next deadline is July 31.

Munster Literature Centre, Seán Ó Faoláin Internatio­nal Short Story Competitio­n, Frank O’Connor House, 84 Douglas Street, Cork, T12 X802, Ireland. info@munsterlit.ie munsterlit.ie

National Poetry Series


Five poets won the 2023 National Poetry Series Open Competitio­n.

They are Albert Abonado of Rochester, New York, for Field Guide for Accidents, selected by Mahogany L. Browne and to be published by Beacon Press; Mackenzie Schubert Polonyi Donnelly of Ithaca, New York, for Post-Volcanic Folk Tales, selected by Ishion Hutchinson and to be published by Akashic Books; Kinsale Drake of San Francisco for The Sky Was Once a Dark Blanket, selected by Jacqueline Allen Trimble and to be published by University of Georgia

Press; Ava Nathaniel Winter of Lincoln, Nebraska, for Transgenes­is, selected by Sean Hill and to be published by Milkweed Editions; and Mia S. Willis of Atlanta for the space between men, selected by Morgan Parker and to be published by Penguin Books. They each received $10,000. The annual awards are given for poetry collection­s by U.S. poets.


National Poetry Series, Open Competitio­n, 57 Mountain Avenue, Princeton, NJ 08540. (609) 430-0999. npspoetry@gmail.com nationalpo­etryseries.org

Nina Riggs Poetry Foundation


Vievee Francis of White River Junction, Vermont, won the 2023 Nina Riggs Poetry Award for “1965: Harriet Richardson Wipes Galway Kinnell’s Face After State Troopers Beat Him With a Billy Club,” which was originally published in Kenyon Review. She received $1,000 and publicatio­n on the foundation’s website. Allison Joseph judged. The annual award is given for a single poem that examines relationsh­ips, family, or domestic life and was published in a book or magazine in the last three years. The next deadline is November 30.

Nina Riggs Poetry Foundation, Nina Riggs Poetry Award, c/o Cave Wall Press, P.O. Box 29546, Greensboro, NC 27429. Rhett Iseman Trull, President. editor@cavewallpr­ess.com cavewallpr­ess.com/ninaaward.html

North American Review


Sean Thomas Dougherty of Erie, Pennsylvan­ia, won the 2023 James Hearst Poetry Prize for “Death Letter #5.” He received $1,000, and his poem was published in the Spring 2023 issue of North American Review. Paul Guest judged.

The annual award is given for a single poem. The next deadline is November 1. North American Review, James Hearst Poetry Prize, University of Northern Iowa, 1227 West 27th Street, Cedar Falls, IA 50614. (319) 273-6455. nar@uni.edu northameri­canreview.org



Azure Hall of Cheyenne, Wyoming, won the 2023 Oberon Poetry Prize for “Division and Surrender of Property Short Form.” She received $1,000, and her poem will be published in Oberon. Barbara Novack judged. The annual award is given for a single poem.


Oberon, Poetry Prize, P.O. Box 516, Miller Place, NY 11764. Mindy Kronenberg, Editor. oberonmag@optonline.net oberonpoet­ry.com

Orison Books

PRIZES IN POETRY AND FICTION Christine Poreba of Chicago won the 2023 Orison Poetry Prize for her poetry collection This Eye Is for Seeing Stars. Vishwas R. Gaitonde of Cary, North Carolina, won the 2023 Orison Fiction Prize for his story collection, On Earth as It Is in Heaven. They each received $1,500, and their books will be published by Orison Books in 2025. Pádraig Ó Tuama judged in poetry and David Heska Wanbli Weiden judged in fiction. The annual awards are given for a poetry collection and a book of fiction. (SEE DEADLINES.)

Orison Books, Prizes in Poetry and Fiction, P.O. Box 8385, Asheville, NC 28814. Luke Hankins, Editor. editor@orisonbook­s.com orisonbook­s.com


JOHN C. ZACHARIS FIRST BOOK AWARD Claire Luchette of Binghamton, New York, won the 33rd annual John C. Zacharis First Book Award for their novel, Agatha of Little Neon (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2021). They received $1,500. Ladette Randolph judged. The annual award is given in alternatin­g years for a first poetry collection or first book of fiction by a writer whose work has been published in Ploughshar­es. The next deadline is June 30.

Ploughshar­es, John C. Zacharis First Book Award, Emerson College, 120 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116. (617) 824-3757. Olivia Carey, Managing Editor. pshares@pshares.org pshares.org

Poetry Foundation


Five poets each received a $27,000 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation. The 2023 fellows are Bhion Achimba of Provinceto­wn, Massachuse­tts; Roda Avelar of Riverside, California; Ariana Benson of St. Louis; Chrysanthe­mum of

Providence; and Willie Lee Kinard III of Columbia, South Carolina. The applicatio­ns were reviewed by a combinatio­n of external readers and judges. The annual awards are given to poets between the ages of 21 and 31 to support their continued study and practice of writing poetry. (SEE DEADLINES.)

Poetry Foundation, Ruth Lilly and

Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship­s, 61 West Superior Street, Chicago, IL 60654. grants@poetryfoun­dation.org poetryfoun­dation.org/foundation/prizes -fellowship

Press 53


Jackie Craven of Schenectad­y, New York, won the 2024 Press 53 Award for Poetry for WHISH. She will receive $1,000, publicatio­n by Press 53, and 53 author copies. Tom Lombardo judged. The annual award is given for a poetry collection. The next deadline is July 31. Press 53, Award for Poetry, 560 North Trade Street, Suite 103, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. (336) 770-5353. Kevin Morgan Watson, Publisher. kevin@press53.com press53.com/award-for-poetry

Syracuse University Press


Robin Caudell of Plattsburg­h, New York, won the 2023 Veterans Writing Award for her memoir, Black Heel Strings: A Choptank Memoir. She received $1,000, and her book will be published by Syracuse University Press in November. Anuradha Bhagwati judged. The biennial award alternates between fiction and nonfiction. The 2025 award will be given for a debut story collection, novel, or novella by a U.S. veteran, an active-duty service member in any branch of the U.S. military, or the immediate family member of a veteran or active-duty service member. The next deadline is February 15, 2025.

Syracuse University Press, Veterans Writing Award, 621 Skytop Road,

Suite 110, Syracuse, NY 13244. Lisa Kuerbis, Marketing and Sales Manager. lkuerbis@syr.edu press.syr.edu/veterans-writing-award

Talking Gourds


Mary Ann Crowe of Santa Fe won the 26th annual Fischer Prize for “Missing Daughters of Chicagoua.” She received

$1,000; publicatio­n of her poem on the Talking Gourds website; and a $100 honorarium to give a reading in the Bardic Trails series, a virtual gathering of the Talking Gourds poetry program. Deborah Kelly judged. The annual award is given for a single poem. The next deadline is August 31.

Talking Gourds, Fischer Prize,

P.O. Box 160, Norwood, CO 81423.

(970) 729-0220. Art Goodtimes, Program Director. shroompa@gmail.com telluridei­nstitute.org/talking-gourds

White Pine Press


Emily Schulten of Key West, Florida, won the 29th annual White Pine Press Poetry Prize for Easy Victims to the Charitable Deceptions of Nostalgia. She received $1,000, and her book will be published by White Pine Press in fall 2024. Marc Vincenz judged. The annual award is given for a poetry collection. The next deadline is November 30. White Pine Press, Poetry Prize,

P.O. Box 236, Buffalo, NY 14201.

Dennis Maloney, Editor and Publisher. dennismalo­ney@yahoo.com whitepine.org

Whiting Foundation


Nicholas Boggs, Sarah Chihaya, and Reggie Ugwu, all of New York City; Eiren Caffall of Chicago; Alexander Clapp of Athens, Greece; Kendra Taira Field of Boston; Molly O’Toole of Washington, D.C.; the late Dom Phillips; Carrie Schuettpel­z of Iowa City; and Sonia

Shah of Baltimore won 2023 Whiting Creative Nonfiction Grants. Each writer received $40,000. The annual awards are given to writers in the process of completing a book of nonfiction. (SEE DEADLINES.)

Whiting Foundation, Creative Nonfiction Grants, 291 Broadway, Suite 1901,

New York, NY 10007. (718) 701-5962. nonfiction@whiting.org whiting.org/writers/creative-nonfiction-grant

Winning Writers


Billie Kelpin of Newport Beach, California, and Jennifer Tubbs of Lubbock, Texas, won the 31st annual Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest. Kelpin won in fiction for “Sylvia” and Tubbs won in nonfiction for “Reflection­s.” They each received $3,000, a two-year gift certificat­e for membership to the literary database Duotrope, and publicatio­n on the Winning Writers website. Mina Manchester judged. The annual awards are given for a short story and an essay.


Winning Writers, Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest,

351 Pleasant Street, Suite B PMB 222, Northampto­n, MA 01060. Adam Cohen, President. info@winningwri­ters.com winningwri­ters.com/our-contests


 ?? ?? MOSAB ABU TOHA Arrowsmith Press Derek Walcott Prize for Poetry
MOSAB ABU TOHA Arrowsmith Press Derek Walcott Prize for Poetry
 ?? ?? TYRIEK WHITE The Center for Fiction First Novel Prize
TYRIEK WHITE The Center for Fiction First Novel Prize
 ?? ?? WEIJIA PAN Milkweed Editions Max Ritvo Poetry Prize
WEIJIA PAN Milkweed Editions Max Ritvo Poetry Prize
 ?? VIEVEE FRANCIS Nina Riggs Poetry Foundation Nina Riggs Poetry Award ??
VIEVEE FRANCIS Nina Riggs Poetry Foundation Nina Riggs Poetry Award
 ?? ?? CHRISTINE POREBA Orison Books Orison Poetry Prize
CHRISTINE POREBA Orison Books Orison Poetry Prize
 ?? ?? VISHWAS R. GAITONDE Orison Books Orison Fiction Prize
VISHWAS R. GAITONDE Orison Books Orison Fiction Prize

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