Popular Woodworking

Mounting the Book


A Predrill a hole in the face and screw the eyehook into your glue block. Attach the hinge to the bottom of the block as close to the spine of the book as possible. Hold the book in place and carefully tilt it back it to mark the screw locations of the hinge on your shelf. Using a hammer and an awl, make a starter hole for them.

B Attach the hinge to the shelf using the #8 5/8" wood screws. Tilt the book up and drill a hole through the back of the case straight in line with the eyehook.

C Using a set of crimpers, crimp a loop of aircraft cable around the quick link and attach the quick link to the eye hook. Attach the small pulley to a 3/4" block to give the cable a bit of straight run before turning down. Pull the cable through the back of the case and line up the small pulley with it. Attach the pulley block to the back of the bookcase using PVA and staples, making sure the staples are aligned with a shelf (so they don't go through the back of the case). Determine where you want the gate latch and mount the receiving portion to the back of the case. Pull the cable taught and crimp a loop the end of which is about 5"from the pulley. To this loop you will attach the jack chain using another quick link. The chain is then attached to the gate latch release lever.the gate strike is then shimmed back off the casing of the opening until it is in plane with the latch, giving a snug fit when the door is closed.

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