Porterville Recorder

Pope Francis tells bishops to show compassion to fractured families


VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis opened a divisive meeting of the world’s bishops on family issues Sunday by forcefully asserting that marriage is an indissolub­le bond between man and woman. But he said the church doesn’t judge and must “seek out and care for hurting couples with the balm of acceptance and mercy.”

Francis dove head-on into the most pressing issue confrontin­g the meeting of 270 bishops during a solemn Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica: How to better minister to Catholic families experienci­ng separation, divorce and other problems when the church’s teaching holds that marriage is forever.

He insisted that the church cannot be “swayed by passing fads or popular opinion.” But in an acknowledg­ment that marriages fail, he said the church is also a mother, who doesn’t point fingers or judge her children.

“The church must search out these persons, welcome and accompany them, for a church with closed doors betrays herself and her mission and instead of being a bridge, becomes a roadblock,” he said.

One of the major debates at the synod is whether divorced and civilly remarried Catholics can receive Communion.

Francis launched the synod process two years ago by sending out a 39-point questionna­ire to bishops, parishes and or- dinary Catholic families around the world asking about their understand­ing of and adherence to church teaching on family matters. Their responses showed a widespread rift between official Catholic teaching and practice, particular­ly on sex, marriage and homosexual­ity.

A first meeting of bishops ended last October with no consensus on how to better welcome gays and divorced and civilly remarried Catholics in the church. Conservati­ves insisted that Catholic doctrine is clear and unchanging. Progressiv­es acknowledg­ed the doctrine but sought wiggle room in pastoral practice.

In the ensuing 12 months, both sides have dug in and sparks are expected to fly in Round 2. In fact, few Vatican meetings have enjoyed as controvers­ial a run-up as this one. There have been allegation­s of manipulati­on and coercion; secret caucuses to plot strategy; de-facto laws passed to take the wind out of the debate.

And on the eve of the synod, a Vatican monsignor outed himself as gay and denounced widespread homophobia in the church.

“We are happy if there is turbulence,” said Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the Italian running the synod. “We are in the sea, and so there has to be some turbulence.”

Cardinal George Pell, the Vatican’s finance manager who is firmly in the conservati­ve camp, predicted little more than a reaffirma- tion of the status quo would emerge in Round 2, albeit with perhaps better explanatio­n as to why the status quo exists.

“It’s quite impossible for there to be any change in the church’s teaching on Communion for the divorced and remarried,” Pell said on the sidelines of a conference last week about helping gays overcome their homosexual tendencies.

The conference was one of many initiative­s launched by conservati­ves in the run-up to the synod aimed at reassertin­g traditiona­l Catholic teaching on homosexual­ity, which holds that gays are to be respected but that homosexual acts are “intrinsica­lly disordered.”

In a clear challenge to that teaching, a midlevel official in the Vati- can’s orthodoxy office, Monsignor Krzysztof Charamsa, announced Saturday that that he was a proud gay priest (with a boyfriend), called for the synod to take up the plight of gays, and denounced homophobia throughout the church.

The Vatican summarily fired him.

Gay rights activists, who were in Rome to try to influence the synod from the sidelines, came to his defense and urged the synod fathers to assert that there is no place for homophobia in the church.

Former Irish President Mary Mcaleese, a practicing Catholic with a gay son, said she hoped that more transparen­cy would help “kill for once and all this terrible lie” that everyone was born heterosexu­al.

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