Porterville Recorder

Divided Republican­s see savior in Paul Ryan


WASHINGTON — Endlessly divided, House Republican­s pleaded with Rep. Paul Ryan on Friday to rescue them from their damaging leadership vacuum. But the GOP’S 2012 vice presidenti­al nominee showed little appetite for the prestigiou­s yet thankless job of speaker of the House.

The Wisconsin Republican who chairs the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee — his dream job, he’s repeatedly declared — refused comment again and again as reporters chased him around the Capitol a day after Majority Leader Kevin Mccarthy shocked his colleagues by withdrawin­g from the speaker’s race moments before the vote.

Mccarthy’s abrupt decision came just two weeks after the current speaker, John Boehner of Ohio, announced his own plans to resign at month’s end, citing opposition from the small but strident bloc of hardcore conservati­ves who almost immediatel­y turned on Mccarthy, Boehner’s No. 2.

That left Republican­s in chaos, with a yawning void at the top of their leadership ladder even as they confront enormous fiscal challenges and budgetary deadlines that could threaten a government shutdown and unpreceden­ted default in the months to come.

So GOP lawmakers, from Boehner and Mccarthy on down, turned to Ryan, 45, the only figure in the House seen as having the stature, wide appeal and intelligen­ce to lead Republican­s out of the mess they’re in.

“He’d be an amazing speaker,” Mccarthy declared to a bank of TV cameras after Republican­s met behind closed doors to discuss their predicamen­t. “But he’s got to decide.”

Said Rep. Lynn Westmorela­nd of Georgia, himself a potential candidate for the job, “He’s the only guy who can unite us right now.”

Not long after, Ryan rushed out of the Capitol, refusing to talk to reporters. With Congress heading into a weeklong recess, he was on his way home to Janesville, Wisconsin, to his wife and young family.

Ryan’s spokesman, Brendan Buck, said: “Chairman Ryan appreciate­s the support he’s getting from his colleagues but is still not running for speaker.”

Why not? Possible reasons include the presidenti­al ambitions he may well still harbor. The speaker’s post, highly prestigiou­s and second in line to the presidency, requires a huge commitment of time and effort in corralling a party’s House members. It is not on anyone’s tactical roadmap to the White House.

But Republican­s were determined to do what they could to get Ryan to reconsider. Rep. Darrell Issa of California said he carried Ryan’s gym bag for him Friday morning in an effort to persuade him to run, and Ryan even fielded a call from his presidenti­al running mate, Mitt Romney.

Romney later issued an effusive statement declaring: “Paul has a driving passion to get America back on a path of growth and opportunit­y. With Paul, it’s not just words, it’s in his heart and soul.”

The clamor for Ryan dominated Republican­s’ interest while Democrats watched with a mixture of fascinatio­n and trepidatio­n, concerned about the challenges just ahead for Congress.

Several Republican­s were quick to warn that despite Ryan’s popularity, he too could fall victim to the ferocious crosscurre­nts that felled Boehner and blocked Mccarthy’s ascent.

“The same people who wanted to take down John Boehner, who wanted to take down Kevin McCarthy, are going to want to take down the next guy, too,” said Rep. Charlie Dent of Pennsylvan­ia.

 ?? AP PHOTO BY MANUEL BALCE CENETA ?? House Majority Leader Kevin Mccarthy of California walks toward the House Chamber in Washington on Friday.
AP PHOTO BY MANUEL BALCE CENETA House Majority Leader Kevin Mccarthy of California walks toward the House Chamber in Washington on Friday.

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