Porterville Recorder

‘Tid-bits’ of Health

- Sylvia Harral Michele Stewart Sylvia J. Harral is a digestive health specialist and Michele Stewart is a pilates master trainer. They each have more than 15 years experience. Send your questions by e-mail to familyhelm@hotmail.com; by mail to Family HELM

How does a person end up with a BigUgly life-threatenin­g disease? Health is like a beautiful garden with lush, green plants that produce yummy morsels for our enjoyment. Creating that place requires a lot of know-how and attention. We must create the proper environmen­t for all those lush, green plants to flourish.

If something isn’t quite right; if a needed nourishmen­t is missing, if the right amount of water is missing, if the temperatur­e is too hot or cold, or if the soil’s ph is out of range, the plants will not be happy. It would be like trying to grow a Giant Sequoia in Phoenix, Arizona. They can grow Giant Saguaro cactus but not Giant Sequoia trees. The environmen­tal conditions are not the same. If we don’t have the right balance inside our body, we won’t grow health in there either. We’ll be growing pokey, uncomforta­ble symptoms that slowly pile up into a Big-ugly disease of some sort.

There are only a handful of environmen­tal conditions we need to take charge of to keep that healthy balance. What we eat, drink, think, feel, do, and how we rest and love play a huge role. Our immune system is our number one concern.

How can we boost our immune system? Start by stopping sugar. Sugar makes the immune cells drunk for several hours while those sweet morsels nourishes cancer, diabetes, inflammati­on, and all the Big-uglies.

I have a video of a battle between a melanoma cancer cell and the macrophage­s, the fighting, white immune cells. It’s a long battle. The cancer cell is about 10 times the size of the mighty little macrophage. I imagine a 5-foot-9, 189 pound high school boxer in the ring with a 6-food-4, 580 pound sumo wrestler. It takes a lot of time and skill for the macrophage to win. In the video, it takes 72 hours before the cancer cell explodes itself all over the place and dies.

Who has that battle going on inside them? We all do; every day. “But, we don’t all have cancer,” you say. You’re right. When do we know we have cancer? When the doctor diagnoses it. We may hear the doctor tell a loved one, “You have stage 4 cancer,” and we all get really scared. But, where was the diagnosis of “stage 3”, or “stage 2”? What was happening before “stage 1”? The battle has been going on for maybe 20 years or more before we feel badly enough to go to the doctor.

We hear our medical profession­als say that cancer is incurable, but many doctors also say, “If you know the cause, you have the cure.”

We need to get down to the nitty-gritty here, so let’s go back to the battle ground and watch again.

What if a person ate sugar in the middle of the battle? We would see the macrophage start to lose focus. He may start laughing at that big awkward cancer cell. The cancer cell, in fun, would take pity on the immune cell and say, “Here, you poor little thing, let me help you out. I’ll get rid of that sugar for you,” and the cancer cell would, quickly, chow down his favorite food. When he’s finished eating, he excuses himself to the drunk macrophage and turns back to his business; which is to slowly return our bodies to the dust from which we came.

What are we doing today while we’re still miles away from Big-uglyville? Who’s looking at the simple choices we make every day? Who notices the horse owner who walks into the Portervill­e College’s cafeteria last week and visits the trash cans after 1200 high school seniors are finished with lunch? The lunch consisted of a sandwich, chips, cookies, and an apple. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, we say. Well, the horse is the one who will not be visited by its doctor.

We, at Family HELM Health Center, have a passion for health. On Oct. 10, from 12-6 p.m., we will have an Open House. Come in and see what you will learn about your health from a few simple, free assessment­s. Your blood has been to every place in your body and it tells the story of what’s happening in there. What battles are our immune soldiers engaged in? Our naturopath, Lawrence Hoppis, specialize­s in reading the blood’s story. He will tell you your story in 15 minutes for only $25.

The “Pro-vita Kitchen Workshop” begins Monday, Oct. 12. Prepare amazingly healthy dishes.

Until then, … take charge. — Sylvia

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