Porterville Recorder

‘Tid-bits’ of Health 'Tid-Bits' of Health


It has been a great week for many Tidbit readers, because many are taking charge of their health through the BASE Restoratio­n Treatment Program at Family HELM Health Center. The acronym BASE stands for Body And Soul & Earth. This program is being offered to you, my readers, to help put you on the fast track to health. BASE begins with 10 consecutiv­e daily doses of Imunstem and Aktiffvate from Golden Sunrise Pharmaceut­ical. Even though Phase One of BASE started last Monday, there is still time between now and March 20 for your 10 consecutiv­e days.

The daily doses are accompanie­d by short “Tid-bit” topics that answer questions like, “What is it about cholestero­l that is dangerous for the heart?” “What test should accompany the cholestero­l test to reveal the danger?” “What simple food works better than an appetite suppressan­t for weight management? And why?” “What turns on the sugar cravings, and what turns them off?” “Why are Imunstem and Aktiffvate being called ‘Cures’? And why is the word ‘Cure’ being used now when it has been such a no-no to say for so many years?” “What will my body do with a dose of Imunstem and Aktiffvate? What about a few doses? How much will it take for my body to notice it?”

So far this week, those who have started their 10 days have experience­d things like more energy, less pain and discomfort, deeper sound sleep, and a more alive look to the face.

Detoxing reactions are also expected. Our medical staff is keeping record to ensure progress. We’re making the first dose smaller to help keep any reactions to a minimum.

Cleansing reactions are not experience­d by everyone. The cleansing reactions we’ve experience­d this week have been mild and gentle but noticeable. Things like a runny nose, slight headache, more urine, slight chills, more thirst, a little cough, more mucous, or taking an extralong nap are noted. The exciting thing about enduring a cleansing reaction is the increased energy level that follows. It’s like the happiness and satisfacti­on that comes from working in your clean, organized garage or opening that clean, organized closet. Living in a clean, organized, energetic body is what we all desire.

When it comes to detoxing, think of spring house cleaning. You finally muster up the energy to tackle those closets, garages, storage rooms, and windows. Many items are drug out, given away, thrown out, sorted through, or organized.

The body does the same thing. When powerful nutrition arrives, the body says, “Yeah! Now, I can clean out that stored garbage area.” The garbage is thrown out through the natural eliminatio­n pathways such as the pores of the skin, the lungs and sinuses, kidneys, liver and bowels. It’s wise to make sure the bowels are moving two to three times a day. Open the pores of the skin by bathing in Epsom Salt, sea salt and baking soda. Drink extra water to wash away the garbage. Here are two recipes; one for the cleansing bath and one for drinking water.

The cleansing bath is great for sore muscles or detoxing bodies. The recipe is: In your nice warm bath water, pour 1-Cup Epsom Salt, 1-Cup Baking Soda, 1-Cup Sea Salt. Soak in the water for 30 minutes keeping the water nice and warm. If you don’t have Sea Salt, just use Epsom Salt and Baking Soda.

The recipe for drinking water is: Drink half your body weight in ounces of water. Take your weight and cut the number in half. Drink that many ounces of water each day. So, someone that weighs 160 pounds would drink 80 ounces of water or five 16 ounce bottles.

If someone is tempted to think that another drink should count for water because it has so much water in it, then ask them if they wash their car or hair in that drink. If you wouldn’t wash your car in coffee, then don’t expect your heart, liver or brain to get clean from it either.

We’re all contributi­ng to the United California Mexican-american Associatio­n, a nonprofit medical treatment fund, because we’re choosing to live in a healthier body, family and community.

Give Family HELM a call at 793-4314. Put your body on the 10-day fast track to health.

Until then … Take Charge! … Sylvia

 ??  ?? Sylvia Harral Michele Stewartbul­ler
Sylvia Harral Michele Stewartbul­ler

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