Porterville Recorder

'Tid-Bits' of Health

- Sylvia Harral Michele Stewart buller

T he natural healing pathway is something a person finds when they start flooding their body with powerful nutrients and hydrating their cells. Everyone’s body is different because each person has been through a different set of experience­s in their lifetime. Even if two people have the same disease, their road back to health may be different.

On your natural healing pathway, you’re the one in charge. You get to make all the decisions. However, you may not know what to do or what your body needs at first. But, it’s actually easier to take charge than we think. All we need to do is trust that our body already knows what it needs. Our job is to give our body the most powerful nutrients we can find. Drink pure, alkalinizi­ng water and watch what happens.

Our body already knows how to heal itself. It desires to be in optimal health more than anything else. When our egg and sperm got together to make us, who told them what to do? How did they know to make a brain and central nervous system first then blood vessels and a heart to pump the blood? The Innate wisdom from the Creator is what built our body in the first place. That wisdom did not leave us when we were born. We continued to grow into an adult without anyone telling our cells what to do. That same wisdom is inside us, today, keeping us as healthy as possible.

Then why are we sick? Why do we crave things that are not good for us? The body is constantly adjusting things to remain as close to balance as possible. For example, if a person’s diet consists of too many acid-producing foods, like animal protein, sugar and highly processed food, the heart will want to relax and not contract. It’s called a heart attack. The body doesn’t want that to happen so it will neutralize the acids with the minerals that are being carried in the blood. If more minerals are needed than the blood can spare, the body will take minerals out of the bones or teeth. When we start losing bone density, what do we do? Do we ask “WHY” we’re losing bone and stop eating acid-producing foods, or do we start taking a pill to make us stop losing bone? If we take the bone pill and continue to eat the same food, what will our body do about those minerals it needs to keep our heart beating? It will first check in with the digestive system to see if the minerals have arrived. If the minerals are not there, it will go to another body part and get them.

When it comes to taking charge of our health, we need to ask “why” our body is losing bone, or “why” there’s high blood pressure, “why” high insulin, “why” high cholestero­l, and keep asking “why” until we get down to the cause of the problem. “When we know the cause, we have the cure,” the natural healing doctors say.

When we find the nutrients our body is needing, how long does it take to return to health? Dr. Jack Tips teaches, in his book, New Dimensions in Herbal Healing, p. 37, that it often takes 40-days to bring balance back to a tissue that has lost it. On page 47, Tips says that Chinese herbalists give an herbal formula 10-12 days to show whether it causes the body to start making changes and move closer to homeostasi­s and cure.

Until then … take charge! … Sylvia.

Sylvia J. Harral is a digestive health specialist and Michele Stewart buller is a pilates master trainer. They each have more than 15 years experience. Send your questions by e-mail to familyhelm@hotmail.com; by mail to Family HELM Health Center, 379 N. Hockett St., Portervill­e, CA, 93257; or by phone at 202-9105.

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