Porterville Recorder

After side suits, then come trumps



Voltaire said, “Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her: but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game.”

Many people have paraphrase­d that sentiment. This week, we are looking at the defenders taking more trump tricks than might have been expected at the start of a deal.

How does the play go in this four-spade contract after West leads the diamond king?

In Standard American, North’s sequence shows at least game-forcing values with exactly three-card spade support. South has nice trumps, but those diamond losers are worrying. Using two-over-one game-force, North would rebid two spades to send the same message. Then South might continue with three spades to show some extra values. This would persuade North to control-bid four clubs; South would control-bid four hearts; and North would sign off in four spades. The snag with this sequence, of course, is that it telegraphs the diamond lead even if West has something like ace-queen-third.

At trick one, East signals with an encouragin­g diamond eight. West cashes the diamond queen, then leads a third round to East’s ace. What happens next?

East should check the points. He has five, dummy holds 15, and West has produced five. That leaves 15 unaccounte­d for. If West had the heart ace, he should have cashed that winner before leading the third diamond. So, all side-suit tricks have been taken. East should lead his last diamond, which promotes West’s spade jack as the setting trick.

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