Porterville Recorder

Come on USA



Never in the history of our country have we witnessed such violence, hatred, anger and out and out fear as we do today!

What exactly is happening to our beautiful country, land of the free, and home of the brave?

I’m reminded of an Old Testament story concerning a man named Job.

This man Job was known by all to be a respected and a God fearing man. Job was also known to have a great family, and to be of great wealth.

Old Testament scriptures tell us that the day came for Job when he lost everything. His wealth, his cattle, and all his children.

Lastly, Job was smote with boils from his head to his feet. He was so sick with these boils Job took a potsherd to scrape himself withal, and sat down among the ashes.

In Job Chapter 2, Verse 9, we read the response of his wife to all of this. “Then saith his wife unto him. Dost thou still retain thine integrity? Curse God and die.”

I said all of that to say this. Our Country has flourished with great wealth, and overall prosperity. We have had the respect of other nations throughout our nation’s history because God has blessed our nation and they saw we were blessed.

Over the last few years, our nation has lost a lot of respect simply because they have witnessed the numerous compromise­s we have made on issues of morality. Issues that we took a high moral political stand on throughout the history of our country.

Little by little our nation has been stripped to the point that we have lost our integrity.

We are losing what made our country what it was founded to be. A God fearing society with values. Values our forefather­s fought and died for.

If we listen closely, we may hear the words of our enemies asking us, “Dost thou still retain thine integrity?”

Come on USA. Your integrity is gone!

Elaine Harris Portervill­e

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