Porterville Recorder



will lead to savings and greater opportunit­ies.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Don’t accept help unless you know what’s expected of you in return. Someone will have a change of heart and let you down. Get the skinny before you make a commitment.

TAURUS (April 20May 20) — Partnershi­ps will work well for you. Collaborat­e with someone to come up with a plan that can help you advance. Control your emotions when dealing with personal matters.

GEMINI (May 21June 20) — Personal improvemen­ts will build your confidence and give you a greater sense of what you have to offer. Love and romance will change how or where you live.

CANCER (June 21July 22) — Intelligen­ce will be required when dealing with personal money, health or legal matters. Take a pass if someone urges you to take a shortcut or to let someone else handle your affairs.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Emotions will surface if you can’t come to terms with what others want. Don’t be afraid to do your own thing, cut your overhead and lower stress.

VIRGO (Aug. 23Sept. 22) — An energetic schedule will be illuminati­ng. Try new things and challenge your strength, courage and discipline. Stay focused and you will make a difference. Romance is encouraged.

LIBRA (Sept. 23Oct. 23) — Take on a physical challenge and re-evaluate your feelings and domestic situation. A change may be necessary, but first you must come up with a strategy.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24Nov. 22) — Don’t let an emotional response you receive deter you from following your heart. You must live life your way if you want to find peace and happiness.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Keep your thoughts secret. Saying or revealing something prematurel­y will put you in an awkward position. Speak the truth or say nothing at all.

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