Porterville Recorder

Commemorat­ing sacrifices

A colorful, memorable setting for Portervill­e observance


As hundreds gathered Monday morning at a Portervill­e cemetery, they were greeted by 1,246 large American flags waving in the breeze. Hundreds of smaller flags, along with red, white and blue flowers, could also be seen adorning the sides of graves. The day, Portervill­e’s annual Memorial Day Service at Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery, was all about honoring loved ones and commemorat­ing the sacrifices of Portervill­e’s military men and women who paid with their lives in service to their country. And that is exactly what guest speaker Martha Flores said when she finally stepped up to the stand to address the hundreds gathered to honor and remember loved ones.

Flores, who is a Portervill­e City Councilmem­ber, talked about words that expressed the military experience — commitment, teamwork, support, sacrifice, duty, loyalty and bravery. She then added the word family to the list and talked about the support family offers, from basic training to deployment.

“The entire family becomes an integral part of that ‘service to country,’” Flores said as she talked about family members stepping up and helping those left at home. “They do all this in support of those that ensure the freedoms and privileges we enjoy in our country.”

A happy “welcome home” always on their minds, Flores said, but sadly, some never make it home and families strive to find peace in knowing that their loved one gave their life in service to their country.

“On this Memorial Day, as we give our thanks and respect to those who serve our country in the Armed Forces, let us also remember and give our thanks to the families as well. May we not forget the fallen who sacrificed and gave their lives for this country,” Flores said. “Let’s keep them in our minds and their families in our heart. As long as we continue to honor them with our actions and remember

their sacrifices, they will never be forgotten.”

It was a sentiment heard again and again during the service.

“In our town, this holiday is so important,” said Miss Portervill­e, the Veterans Homecoming Queen, Brianna Torres, as she talked about the many veterans in town and the military banners lining Main Street. “For such a small town, we are not small in veterans.”

Don Dowling, Commander of American Legion Portervill­e Post 20, had opened the program with a welcome and a few statistics.

Since 1775, there have been 83 wars and an assortment of military actions which have involved more than 1 million brave Americans, Dowling said. Most of the casualties resulted from only a dozen wars — but that doesn’t lessen the sacrifice, Dowling stressed. He asked for prayers to always remember those who were lost.

Monday’s program did just that — from the Posting of the Colors, including the Flag of Honor, this year dedicated to Dorothy Flory, to the playing of “Reveille” by Mike Smith and Steve Bolt, to the parading of the Avenue of Flags by the American Legion Post 20 Color Guard, California Cadet Corps, and the Portervill­e High School Panther Band under the direction of Clark Keele.

The singing of the national anthem and “Sleep Soldier Boy” by the Portervill­e High School Madrigals and Choir, under the direction of Aaron Snell; and the playing of “God Bless America” and a medley of military songs by the band, added to the patriotic service.

A presentati­on of a memorial cross by Auxiliary Unit 20 and a memorial wreath by Children of the American Revolution, an invocation by Post 20 Chaplain Eddie Orosco, the three-volley salute and the playing of “Taps” all brought out emotional reactions from the crowd during the service.

 ?? RECORDER PHOTOS BY CHIEKO HARA ?? Ezra Holmes, 7, holds a flag as Portervill­e Homecoming Queen Brianna Torres and her court make a presentati­on Monday, May 28, at the annual Memorial Day Service, presented by American Legion Post 20, in Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery.
RECORDER PHOTOS BY CHIEKO HARA Ezra Holmes, 7, holds a flag as Portervill­e Homecoming Queen Brianna Torres and her court make a presentati­on Monday, May 28, at the annual Memorial Day Service, presented by American Legion Post 20, in Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery.
 ??  ?? American Legion Post 20 salutes as the parade makes its way through the Avenue of Flags Monday, May 28, at the annual Memorial Day Service in Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery.
American Legion Post 20 salutes as the parade makes its way through the Avenue of Flags Monday, May 28, at the annual Memorial Day Service in Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery.
 ??  ??
 ?? RECORDER PHOTOS BY CHIEKO HARA ?? More than 1,200 large American flags were on display for Memorial Day on Monday at Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery in Portervill­e.
RECORDER PHOTOS BY CHIEKO HARA More than 1,200 large American flags were on display for Memorial Day on Monday at Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery in Portervill­e.
 ??  ?? Brian Adams, above, salutes the flag as Taps was played by Mike Smith, below, Monday, May 28, at the annual Memorial Day Service, presented by American Legion Post 20, in Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery.
Brian Adams, above, salutes the flag as Taps was played by Mike Smith, below, Monday, May 28, at the annual Memorial Day Service, presented by American Legion Post 20, in Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery.
 ??  ?? Hundreds of people attend the annual Memorial Day Service on Monday, May 28, at Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery.
Hundreds of people attend the annual Memorial Day Service on Monday, May 28, at Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Veterans walk down to the front of the crowd to be recognized as the Portervill­e High School Panther Band plays military songs Monday, May 28, at the annual Memorial Day Service at Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery.
Veterans walk down to the front of the crowd to be recognized as the Portervill­e High School Panther Band plays military songs Monday, May 28, at the annual Memorial Day Service at Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery.

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