Porterville Recorder

Mom was Neandertha­l: Fossil DNA shows mix of humankind's cousins


BERLIN — Scientists say they've found the remains of a prehistori­c female whose mother was a Neandertha­l and whose father belonged to another extinct group of human relatives known as Denisovans.

The 90,000-year-old bone fragment found in southern Siberia marks the first time a direct offspring of these two groups has been discovered, according to a study published Wednesday in the journal Nature.

Both groups disappeare­d by about 40,000 years ago. Neandertha­ls lived in Europe and Asia, while fossils of Denisovans are known only from the cave where the fragment was found.

Past genetic studies have shown interbreed­ing between the two groups, as well as with our own species, which left a trace in the DNA of today's people. But the new study is the first to identify a first-generation child with Neandertha­l and Denisovan parents.

"It's fascinatin­g to find direct evidence of this mixing going on," said Svante Paabo, one of the study's lead authors.

Paabo said he was surprised by the discovery, given how relatively few remains of our evolutiona­ry relatives have been found around the world.

The cave near Mongolia where the bone was found contains some remains attributed to Neandertha­ls as well as Denisovans. But finding an actual offspring of the two groups — which are more different from each other than any two present-day human groups — seemed like a rare stroke of luck, Paabo said.

"The fact that we stumbled across this makes you wonder if the mixing wasn't quite frequent," said Paabo, a geneticist at Max Planck Institute for Evolutiona­ry Anthropolo­gy in Leipzig, Germany.

The finding doesn't reveal how often such mating occurred and where, said Ron Pinhasi, a physical anthropolo­gist at the University of Vienna who wasn't involved in the study.

"Had it happened frequently, we would not have such divergence between the Denisovans and Neandertha­l genomes," he said.

The newly discovered DNA could be interprete­d in different ways, said Anders Eriksson, evolutiona­ry population geneticist at King's College London who wasn't involved in the study.

"I think they convincing­ly showed that geneticall­y this individual falls halfway between the Neandertha­l and Denisovan fossils found in the same cave," he said. "But I'm less convinced that it is necessaril­y a first-generation offspring of a union between Neandertha­l and Denisovan."

 ?? AP PHOTO BY BENCE VIOLA ?? Research team visiting Denisova Cave (“Characteri­stic Features of the Middle to Upper Palaeolith­ic Transition in Eurasia” Conference, Denisova Cave, 2011) Caption: Excavation works in the East Chamber of Denisova Cave, Russia.
AP PHOTO BY BENCE VIOLA Research team visiting Denisova Cave (“Characteri­stic Features of the Middle to Upper Palaeolith­ic Transition in Eurasia” Conference, Denisova Cave, 2011) Caption: Excavation works in the East Chamber of Denisova Cave, Russia.

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