Porterville Recorder



SACRAMENTO California tightens rules for concealed weapons, bump stocks

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a new law requiring that California­ns undergo at least eight hours of training, including live fire exercises, before carrying concealed weapons.

He also signed a bill making it clear that rapid-fire “bump stocks” like those used in last year's Las Vegas Strip massacre are illegal in California.

But he announced Wednesday that he vetoed a bill to expand California's gun violence restrainin­g order law, despite a move in other states to approve such laws in the wake of mass shootings in Las Vegas and at a Florida high school.

The bill would have allowed colleagues, mental health workers and school employees to seek restrainin­g orders.

He also vetoed allowing suicidal individual­s to put themselves on the list of those banned from buying weapons.

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE Conservanc­y gets $1.7M to restore Lake Tahoe marsh

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has awarded a $1.7 million grant to the California Tahoe Conservanc­y to help restore a marsh at Lake Tahoe that is the largest remaining wetland in the Sierra Nevada.

The conservanc­y intends to spend $9 million next year to restore 500 acres (202 hectares) of the south shore's Upper Truckee Marsh.

Board Chairwoman Brooke Lane says the $9 million project is one of the most important in the Tahoe Basin's history. It's the largest Stream Environmen­t Zone project in California.

Lane says developmen­t the last century destroyed half the marsh and left the Upper Truckee River channelize­d where it enters Lake Tahoe. It currently delivers more fine sediment to Lake Tahoe than any other tributary.

The plan is to redirect the river to its historic network of channels through the marsh.

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