Porterville Recorder

Did California save Ted Cruz?

- Jon Coupal is the president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Associatio­n.

Chuck Devore is just one of thousands of former California­ns who have moved to Texas. But Devore is unique. Not only did he serve in the California Assembly, but he remains heavily engaged in policy issues as Vice President of National Initiative­s at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a free market think tank based in Austin.

Devore is a frequent guest on national television shows to speak on economic issues, including how progressiv­e policies suppress economic growth. Moreover, he has firsthand experience with the movement of people and money between the two economic titans, California and Texas.

The migration of businesses from California to Texas is well-documented. Big names, like Charles Schwab, Campbell’s Soup, Burger King, Waste Management and other billion-dollar businesses severed their California connection­s for Lone Star liberty.

In fact, it was entertaini­ng to watch the sparring between then-texas Governor Rick Perry — who frequented California to poach businesses from California — and the Golden State’s own Jerry Brown who tried to portray Texas as hick-country governed by a buffoon.

More than just businesses, it is people who have left California in numbers significan­tly larger than those coming in from other states. From 2007 to 2016, California has experience­d net domestic out-migration of a million citizens, and the number-one destinatio­n? You guessed it. Texas.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that California has lost population, in fact it has gained. But those gains have come from immigratio­n – both documented and otherwise — and new births.

When California­ns started moving to Texas in big numbers, the concern of many Texans — especially conservati­ves who have dominated Texas politics for decades — was that those crazy, lefty California­ns would bring their progressiv­e politics with them. But it appears that California­ns are making Texas, well, more like Texas.

Thanks to the aforementi­oned Chuck Devore, he made us aware of a very interestin­g exit poll taken in Texas on Election Day. Turns out that ex-pats living in — and voting in — Texas supported Senator Ted Cruz in his high-profile reelection bid by a 15 percent margin, with an older poll of California­ns in Texas suggesting that by more than 2 to 1, they’re conservati­ve vs. liberal.

His opponent, Beto O’rourke, darling of progressiv­e Democrats, was a charismati­c candidate backed by a $70 million campaign budget. And while it is unlikely that Cruz’s margin of victory was decided by just ex-california­ns, the same would not be true if the race were as close as the hotly contested – and still undecided – races in Arizona and Florida.

We’ve seen the impact of ex-california­ns on other states’ politics before. Nevada barely went for George W. Bush in the nasty election contest against Al Gore in the 2000 presidenti­al race. But for former aerospace workers who left California and tend to vote for conservati­ves, it is entirely possible that Gore would have become president.

The upshot is that California is exporting conservati­ves. We’re sure that California progressiv­es are happy about this but it is bad news for California’s ever-shrinking number of fiscal conservati­ves. This month’s election has saddled California with billions in higher taxes and bond debt on top of our highest in the nation income taxes and sales taxes.

Moreover, the dominant Democrats — who have secured a supermajor­ity in both houses, are seriously talking about a hundred-billion-dollar single-payer health plan for the state.

As California turns a deeper shade of blue, look for more conservati­ve voters moving out to more receptive states and taking their sane voting habits with them.

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